
We managed to survive with only a little rain, no hail and a lot of wind. The main body of the storm passed just north of us. But then, while driving home from town today this happened...this is what happens when a 30 pound wild turkey decides to fly in front of you while you are driving 70 miles per hour. The bird hit and got caught in my front right headlight and its body was slung back along the right side of the car where it destroyed the side view mirror (which is of course full of electronics). Guess I will have to watch more carefully for low flying turkeys...and make sure I have my Turkey stamp this season...
We once had a close encounter with a flock of wild turkeys on the way from Abilene to Brownwood. They would have done some damage had we hit them, since they were flying about windshield-high when they crossed the road. Sorry about your vehicle - it costs a fortune to fix a car these days
I did this to my driver side mirror - no turkeys involved, I banged it on a stone fence post backing out of my driveway when I was running late one day. It's still cracked and trashed - I need to get it fixed. But it'll be about $500 (I checked). I can pay for it if I need to - I just don't WANT to. That seems like so much for a mirror...

(But I'll have to get it fixed soon or I'll fail this year's safely inspection...)

- Ant Farm
It is almost Chocolate Orpington Hatch Date. I am hoping to have 18 of them hatched by 04/30/2016. I the last batch I hatched are growing out well. One out of my last bunch I think is going to be mottled. I also managed to hatch a Black Copper Maran rooster from the last batch. I am not sure what to do with him. I already have two Black Copper Maran roosters. If I grow this one out, he will eventually become dinner. With a couple of weeks Black Copper Marans are the easiest to tell. He is already growing out his comb.
Last night a trap was triggered and some of the bait was gone but no critter. Could that be a snake??

I have moved the Muscovies over to the night pen so all are locked up and safe from night predators
Could be a raccoon as well. They are smart critters and if they've been around traps before, they can outsmart them.

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