
@bdfive thank you and bring them over anytime. Blanco isn't too far. My brother lives there. I would love to see swans in it
I looked at buying some but the DH would have died.

We did not line the pond. Originally it was dug but not very deep and no liner. We recently redug it and added a second side. We are using oxygenating plants and are going to use a Skippy filter this time around and hope it doesn't go green
We really need pictures of your daughter carrying the chickens around. That is cute!
These are our new "coops" we are working on setting up (still need to build a little brooder box/shelter/nesting bars)
the light silver one is the one he wants to make "movable" - the black one will be their "coop" area, and we'll let them forage using the other one.
Super cute pics! My kids do that all the time too. They love picking up the chickens and ducks and carrying them all around the yard.

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