Thanksgiving Hatchalong

I didn't see this thread until after I posted another November Hatch-A-Long. Hope it is ok to join since no one has yet joined mine. I don't have any eggs but I do have quail and chicken. I wasn't going to hatch any more eggs until spring but Hubby is upset with his pickled quail egg recipe and said I could hatch this current bunch 22 quail eggs. Since, I was going to hatch the quail eggs I thought I would throw in the 9 chicken eggs I collected the other day as well. I have set all the eggs today (my b-day) So, the hatch will be over long before Thanksgiving. Since, we usually go out of town to visit family for the day we wouldn't be here for the hatch. Besides, if I am in full turkey-coma mode I would miss the hatch anyway. Lol! Maybe next year I will be able to raise my own turkeys. There is a local breeder who has Royal Palm turkeys Although, I have been wanting Bourbon Red turkeys I just love me some turkey.
Sorry forgot to post my hatch dates. Lol. I can be absent-minded some times.

Quail: Nov 14
Chicken: Nov 16

Here's a little Thanksgiving humor to, hopefully, brighten your day.
Hi everyone! I am looking forward to my first hatch-a-long! I'll be setting shipped black copper Marans as well as a few from my own flock (chicks will be black sex-links). I can only incubate 10 since I'm using a Brinsea Mini. I should be setting them 10/29 or 10/30 for a hatch date of 11/19- 11/20. I want to hatch before thanksgiving for a couple of reasons: First, I'm in Ohio so I want to get the babies feathered out before the bitter cold sets in. Second, I have a big thanksgiving dinner to prepare on the 26th so it's better all around to hatch the week before :) --Jen
As of this evening I have collected 32 eggs for the incubator. Tomorrow will be my 10th day of collecting eggs, so should end up with 36-ish. My original plan was to slap them in the incubator Wednesday morning, but I am getting anxious so might do that tomorrow night.

Got the old horse stall, that was currently being used as a junk storage area, cleaned out today. Next step is to replace some old boards, then I will build a nice size brooder in there for this batch.
Won "6" eggs, received 12!!


Half of them have fully detached air cells
Granted, the last batch when I had 1 detached air cell, that is actually one that hatched (i think, i didn't mark them too good lol).

So for now I shall be doing this:
Ok... I have to make a correction to my egg count... hehehe... I added three more eggs, 2 quail and 1 chicken. The chicken egg was added special because it was the last egg collected during today's egg check. Today is my birthday so it is specially marked and named Cupcake. I really hope this one hatches!!!
These are almost 1/2 a day behind the others, but they should be ok.

New egg totals:
Quail: 24 eggs hatching on November 14
Chicken: 10 eggs hatching on November 16
what happened to this air cell? It was so perfect! Ahhhh! Lock down is Friday morning.

I have had that happen before. Still not sure exactly what causes it. Although, it may have something to do with humidity fluctuations. As long as the chick seems active and alive it should be just fine. The chicks I had with similarly odd/misshapen air cells hatched just fine.

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