The 10th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!!

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Chick is dry now, but I have another pip so I won't be taking it out. I have to leave for work so maybe I will have 2 chicks out when I get home.
Post pictures when you can!

I have never even spoken to her. I moved in 2.5 years ago. I think she is in her 70s. Her cousin lives across the street from her and she doesn't speak to him any more, but she called code enforcement on him for building new kitchen cabinets on his carport (not for a living, but to replace the old ones in his home). She also reported at least 2 others on our street for minor issues.
I don't know if she is just lonely and bitter, but her daughter is nice. She lives there, too, and doesn't like it when her mother stirs up trouble for others. I just try to mind my own business and pray for her to find peace and joy. The only thing I have "done" to her is put up a privacy fence on one side of my house. She apparently doesn't trust people who are hiding behind privacy fences. :idunno

Wow she sounds like a troublemaker for sure. Can’t believe she would report her own cousin. Maybe she really is just lonely and bitter like you said.
Okay - It's ON! Just cranked up the Nurture Right 360 with fifteen Nankin Bantams and seven Porcelain D'Uccles. I filled the 'bator completely though, for the first time. Our test run only had eight. Many of these potential chicklets are from young pullets, just a month or so into laying, so a lot of the eggs are VERY tiny. If I get six out of this batch, I'll be happy. Not thrilled ... but happy!

And so "It Begins!" Fingers crossed!

:fl :fl :fl :fl :fl

Oh - and a neat ps ... Could be we have a couple of broodies who started just this morning. Two of my younger girls are currently fluffed up and giving me what passes for a stink eye. This is SO EGG-citing!

UPDATE - Just candled tonight. I tossed two Nankin Bantam eggs and all seven Porcelain D'Uccles, all infertile. On one hand, it doesn't surprise me, because three of my Nanny and my lone D'Uccles pullets are still very young. I doubted they would be viable, yet ... but I was hopeful. On the other hand, I've only got two mature Nankin hens at the moment, and Nannies don't usually do well in an incubator, anyway, so having thirteen viable eggs at the halfway point is a nice surprise!

So, the official count for us is down to fifteen Nankins - 13 in the 'bator and three eggs under Evie, a young broody. One of Evie's charges is a lone D'Uccles egg, but with the first seven being infertile, the odds aren't very good for this last one - but again, I'm hopeful. I'd love to candle Evie's clutch, but the little stinker won't let anyone near her. She may be very young, but she's extremely serious about this broody business. Evie goes for blood!
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Isn't it the neatest thing? I've been comparing what I see in our eggs with other pics online to see how they're doing in there.
My wife doesn’t understand why I get so excited at this stage of incubation and I have no idea how to explain it to her but she does get excited when babies start cheeping in the incubator
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