The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Just want to say thank you that work so hard on this Hal! But will not do again,to much doom and gloom. Was to happy hatch

When I first joined BYC, I felt the same. My very first eight chicks were six months old and had barely started laying. Well, seven of them, because the "10 percent error in sexing" cockerel bcame a father when my Buff Orpington went broody and hatched a solo chick.

That experience led me to lurk in hatch-a-long threads. Oh my goodness, so much drama and disappointment! Sure, it was mixed in with fabulous chick and/or broody photos, which are always a bonus, but dang.......

Watching Buffy and her chick, Samantha, go about the business of being a little family - with the doting attention of proud daddy Carl - made me curious about incubating. I tired it on my own, with the most idiot proof incubator of small quantity, had some success with eBay eggs, and was hooked. Life created from what could so easily have been breakfast three weeks earlier!!

Unlike many others who are heavily invested in enlarging or improving their flocks, I am just dabbling here. Every single chick is a miracle to me, so I am not disappointed with dismal hatch rates. I seldom, if ever, candle eggs. One hatchling and I am happy, although I would rather it had company. Two or more - I am over the moon.

There is a lot of time to pass from egg to chick, though, and a hatch-a-long is a great way to share common experiences. Take in what you need, gloss over the rest. Share what is important to you and enjoy what touches you in others' posts. Drool over pictures. Discover new breeds.

I keep telling myself I won't participate in these things (this HAL is the seventh for me) because I don't NEED to hatch anything. But, by gosh, I am now invested in the companionship of other "hatchers" I have grown to know these past four years and it's so very cool to discover new folks to admire (and tease) and which just might have hatching eggs for breeds I want to include in my flock.

Thank you ALL, but especially Sally Sunshine, Happy Chooks, ronott1 (and of course, Nifty-Chicken) for all the selfless work associated with this Easter HAL. You're my heroes.
So many wonderful entries in the Decorated Egg Contest! Thank you everyone that participated in this contest.
It was very close in choosing the winners.

The Dyed Prize Winner is:


And the Artistic Prize Winner is:



Congratulations! Just beautiful. I can't imagine the time that went into these!
I have 15 babies! And I do believe we are done. My goodness, strong little ones too. Glad I set those eggs. I have some pretty little babies.

My son and his friend who is staying the night went down to check on the chicks and to check his duck eggs. I set a flashlight up so we could candle and watch for progress and from the basement i hear "MOM!!!!!!!!!!! COME HERE SOMETHING HAPPENED!!" (mind you its 1015pm and my youngest is sleeping in the room right above them) so off I go... running as quietly and quickly as possible. I get down there and he shows me what's "happened" I had to explain what an "internal pip" is :) How excited he is now is un-explainable... i had to remind him that the saying is still true "Don't count them till they hatch!" haha!! :) GO DUCKY GO!!
More Marans eggs hatching and some of the duck eggs are pipped!
It's only lockdown day for the ducks & guninea eggs. so I was surprised to find some already pipped. I will report my final numbers when they are all done...
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