The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

They are so cute! Do you have Blue or BBS chickens?

In very dark eggs, you sometimes can't really see the air cell. They will really fool you. If you check the air cell after the chick hatches, it will usually be much bigger than you thought from candling.

They look perfect!

They are all mixed breed babies. Dad is a blue Andalusian and mom's are BR, Australorps, Buff Orp and BSL.

The brown faced babies are from the Buff Orp. I watched those hatch. I was confused because I thought they'd all be solid colors.
Did you set them on Sunday? If you set on Sunday they should hatch on Sunday.

I set mine on a Saturday and they are hatching today, right on time.

The one I saw yesterday was also early. Set 14, 4 mutts and 10 Altsterier, Saturday under hen. She wasn't letting any out last night when I checked as it was pretty cold. They should be in full on hatch mode soon.
Nothing has hatched and is running around yet.
I wish my chicken camera could see under her!

She is in the bottom cage, the blob in the corner.
They are all mixed breed babies. Dad is a blue Andalusian and mom's are BR, Australorps, Buff Orp and BSL.

The brown faced babies are from the Buff Orp. I watched those hatch. I was confused because I thought they'd all be solid colors.
They still might be. Sometimes colors at hatch molt out.
Well as of this morning I have 9 hatched in the incubator so far and 3 under a hen, and another hen I need to go check on in a few minutes who is also due anytime.

Here are the incubator ones.

The chics and eggs look great! Nice clean eggs are a sign of a good hatch.
(Edit: I just read that if a splash is crossed to a black the babies are always splash? Is this true?)
Splash x Black give you 100% blue chicks.

I have a baby that pipped in the incubator @12am this morning but has not progressed any at all and it's almost 4 pm. I hear chirping and he is moving around in there. How much longer do you guys think before the hatch completes? They are 20 days today. I'm a newbie here. Any help is appreciated.

I'd give it a bit more time. It is pipped on the wrong end, so you may have to help it out.

How long between pip and zip?? Normally I have had one pip for 28 hours now nothing more
I've had them zip immediately after pipping, and I've had them pip and wait 12 hours. They zip when they are ready.

That's the first of 5 eggs. I think 3 more have hatched but the incubator is steamy and I can't tell if there are one or two eggs left. I'm viewing them from my home security cam. Lol.
Humidity is probably too high.

I can't believe this egg pipped. I totally thought it was a quitter but I kept it in just because. Just goes to show you that you shouldn't count an egg out until you know FOR SURE that it's not viable! The membrane looks a bit dry but humidity is at 70% and I just put in a wet paper towel to increase it some more.
Yep! 2 of the 3 I thought were questionable from candling at lockdown have hatched. The 3rd is pipped. If it is dark in the egg, I leave it in for hatch just in case.

The whole you help or let the strong survive.....

Brinseas have no way to quickly pull an egg. I had to pull 2. Both starting zipping over an hour ago and they were getting quieter. Shell was pipped but membrane wasnt. One at a time I pulled them, pulled the rest of the membrane, and dropped them back in. They popped right out. They are both walking around now, but the pips haven't progressed. So, did I kill the pipped ones to save 2 upside down ones?
It's a hard choice to make. I generally don't help unless they are zipping and get glued in because of a humidity fluctuation. When they pip the wrong end, it really makes you worry, but I have had them hatch fine on their own.

Still just the one out, but several more well on their way zipping like crazy. While I'm hovering over incubators DD and Maddy made these cakes. Too late for the edible Easter contest, but I still wanted to share.

Beautiful cakes!

I have pips!

two for sure with the Delaware eggs


I have a muscovy egg on day 30 this evening. I just took a peak and its internally pipped. How long until they try for freedom?? Should I stop turning and up the humidity? The other egg hasn't yet. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!?!?!?!?
Leave it alone! Sit on your hands.

Quote: Ditto!

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