The American Paint Silkie

Really? That's awesome! Can't wait to see em in the future. Let me know if you need some blacks to breed to the chocolates. I should have some eggs by the time you get your chocolates. I'm waiting for the weather to cool too because I should be getting a good black roo to breed to your paint. Is that how you got one of your really dark paints by breeding to black? I need to come visit again soon.
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that 'Orange Frost' color!!!
No blacks in my paints, strictly paint to paint matings.,
except this one pullet, the result of a paint cock over a white American hen
I have some awesome paints, some with real large dark spots,
Yes you ought to come by. All the chicks have grown, since your visit.
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Wow the paint gene is so confusing. That's awesome how they can get darker even when bred to white. Nice to know you don't always have to breed to black. I wish the paints would hurry up and lay eggs! Can't wait to start hatching some!

Has Sigrid ever mentioned splash paints? I heard there is a section in their book about splash paints. I have one from Bobbi Porto and have no clue what to expect when bred. I know when splash is bred to black you get all blue but when paint is bred to black you can get black, paint, or multicolored. What would a half paint and splash produce? Sigrid could probably answer this. I don't think a lot of people have every bred paint to splash before.
I have a showgirl hen that has one black feather in her crest, and just recently noticed that 2 of her offspring have black feathering in their body. Now, whether they would be considered paint or not, I'm not sure. The babies only have 2 black feathers.
I will see if I can answer this.
your 1/2 paint carries paint genes so 1/2 of those chicks should have the gene. the black will be diluted by the splash to blue
so in theory, you should have blue paints in some, but will these look like a more washed out splash? who knows, this gene is so new, anything could pop up.

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