~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Hey you very long time!

yes its been a while.
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/68560#post_12585015 layout=inline]​[/CONTENTEMBED]

Kaliska put the dirty clothes in the laundry, straightened the kitchen and living room, and then fixed both bredrooms. She was very quiet so as not to wake Brenk. Then she took Ronin, and played with him in her lap on the couch. After a while though, her head rocked against the back of the couch..... and she fell asleep. Ronin made little contented sounds while amusing himself with his fingers and toes. 


Barrett plopped his bag on the floor and sank into the couch to read a magazine. His bag had obviously been packed poorly. :)P )


"Oh... wow." Hannah's brows lifted. 


"Just fine thank you." Emily answered smiling. "We haven't seen much of you lately Thrain." she said kindly. 


"Good, because I don't want you out here. I'd rather be here than you." Braxton ran a tired hand through his tangled hair. "Okay.. if you're settled I need to head outside to do some chores." he smiled at her. 



Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Oh dear." she chuckled softly, and then fell asleep on the spare bed in the corner. 

Brenk came out and found her like that. He grabbed the camera and took a picture.  He sent it to his mom.


Myrna stared at it. "Here let me check to make sure you didn't forget anything." She picked it up intending to fold it better and do exactly as she said.


"Yes.. my life is not boring. Even though these past months may seem a bit slow to you. I don't mind the peace as I can take it."  Noonan nodded.


"Yes I have been establishing my cover as a guy that moved in not far from the foster home and My new cases farm.  Keeping busy with my rounds and case files." He sighed.  "To be honest it had been lonely... How have  you fine folk been?"


"Braxton? Are you well enough?"  Lana gave him a questioning look.


Hours later and a hand rested on her side.

Ronin looked at his father and squealed happily. Kaliska didn't stir. 


Barrett started to look embarrassed.


"Peace is good." Hannah agreed, nodding. 


"Just fine." Emily smiled. Max nodded. 


"Of course. Only the small chores." he assured her. 


Jasmine murmured, and then turned over to look up. She blinked the focus, and madly tried to make out the fuzzy figure in front of her. 

Brenk smiled putting the camera down and picked up his son. "Hello good lookin little guy." He kissed his soft head then  waled around with him.

(Had nusery today got to hole a cute little munchkin.. oh Love babies :p)


Myrna smiled. "You need more socks and pants love."  She smirked. "Can I pick them out?"  She kissed his cheek.


"Indeed. Beats being life debted or hiding to stay alive." He smirked.


"Great..." He took a deep breath. "I was wondering..."  He slightly flushed. "If I may court Jesslyn."  (they don't 'date' for more than friends courting= dating basically)


"Okay... I guess I can help Jasmine in the kitchen... unless you don't mind my company?"  Lana asked.


"Jaz its me." Ferris was standing. He had a crutch but he was using his new leg for support.

Ronin put his hand on Brenk's cheek and looked around excitedly. The world was so different at this level.



Barrett was blushing. "Sure." He smiled.


"I bet." Hannah's brows lifted briefly and she nodded.


Jesslyn's blue eyes got huge. Emily looked shocked, but only momentarily and the shock on her face was replaced with excitement. Max's brows went up. "If Jesslyn gives her permission, you have mine." Jesslyn's cheeks turned pink.


Braxton smiled. "You should stay off your leg."


"Oh...." Jasmine rubbed her eyes.

(I know XD  my GF said, that looks so natural on you.. when the next one coming? :gig )

"Wanna go see he animals?"  He smiled opening the door to head out with his son.


"Okay."  Myrna smiled then went to the bedroom, she also grabbed a nice outfit for dancing for him :p  She later came out. "Ready when you are hot stuff."  She giggled.


"Do you ever long for excitement?"  Noonan finished his meal.


"Thank you.. Very much Max." He looked at Jesslyn. "I will let her answer when she is ready."  He smirked at her face.


"I know. I just get fidgety." She sighed. "I will maybe do some sewing then."  She headed to the sewing pile of things o mend and started to work on it as she sat down.


"You have been asleep a long time." He kissed her cheek.

Ronin waved his little arms and smiled.

Barrett play bowed. He smiled. "Should we tell your mom and Brenk?"

Hannah looked thoughtful, and played with a lock of hair. "Sometimes, yes. Me and my siblings used to do all kinds of adventures." She looked up at him. "Not nearly as exciting as the ones you've had, I'm sure, but they were fun."

Jesslyn nodded. "You have my permission too." She beamed.

Braxton smiled and headed out.

Jasmine muttered something, and sat up. "Sorry." She said audibly. She tried to fix her hair, then stood up. "Oh," she just then noticed he was standing. "Everything okay?"
Quote: Thay all started laughing at him. "Inferno this guy is great! I love him!" *Roaring laughter shaking the ground*

"Ahhhh thats a nice foot massage Shaki-baki keep it up."

(This is freaking hilarious)
Bump Chickneers this was posted 8-21)
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/68680#post_12595122"][quote name="SilkiesForEver" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/68680#post_12595059"]
[quote name="Chic CAN" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/68660#post_12594293"]
[quote name="SilkiesForEver" url="/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/68660#post_12594145"]


"Maybe." Kassidy replied, and then walked out. 

"Okay." He sighed then followed. "Any chance I can get a way to contact you to ask again later?"

Kassidy arched a brow. This guy was serious. She took her dog's leash, and turned around. She sighed. "Well.." her hazel eyes went down to her dog, who looked warily at Don. "Here's my comm." she handed him a piece of paper. 

He took it and tipped the brim of his hat. "Thank you." He smiled. "I will call you later." 

(the best part is you have no idea how boring or exciting it will be Mwahahahahahha)

(Oh dear...XD)

Kassidy smiled, and trotted off with her dog. 

(he he)

That night her comm buzzed. "Hello its the cowboy :) "


Kassidy picked it up and couldn't help but smile when she read it. "Hey! What's up?" She answered.[/quote]
"Oh not much. Just finished buckin hay.  Ready to jump in the lake." He chuckled. "How about you?"[/quote]
Kassidy didn't fight the smile growing on her face. "Nothing big just working with my dogs."[/quote]
"I noticed your dig looked quite nice. How many do you have?"  He asked.
"Just two. I train them." Kassidy replied.
Quote: "excuse me?" Xavier didn't catch what she meant.


(lol TBD)

Itha moaned. "I think you just like my workout outfit." She snickered and she tried to lift the weights.


"Yay!" Ina smiled. She saw the escapee crawling across he floor. "Oh Calis.. best put a top on his crib."


"Hello my sweet. I ordered your favorite made tonight." He smiled.


"Feeling batter yet?" Patmos asked.


Blue waited until she was alone then started practicing her magic.
He took the plate and got her more, plus some rootbeer.


"A Terrellian." She smiled at them. "We are light creatures. my husband is a Kelishan."


"If you can tame her.. bring her to me. I think you have learned well enough from your own experiences." Nostros nodded. "If you must I can guide you to an outpost which can remove the keeper. As a first step."


Torid felt the bond grow very strong. He wrapped his arms around her. It had been so long. The emotions were flooding. "Do you feel my love now?"  He spoke soft and quiet.   (*face in pillow*)


After he finished He demanded she wash his hands and face, then he kissed her awhile and left. Mershan started cleaning up his mess of dishes. She was quiet the whole time.
"thank you."


"Oh! "

"Thank you."


"...yes." Ises felt over whelmed.


Surprise you didn't slap him." Malikai commented.r
Quote: Thay all started laughing at him. "Inferno this guy is great! I love him!" *Roaring laughter shaking the ground*

"Ahhhh thats a nice foot massage Shaki-baki keep it up."

(This is freaking hilarious)
Bump Chickneers this was posted 8-21)


(yes you're right... let's take it to a whole new level)

...three hours later...

"I'M GIVING YOU TO THE COUNT OF THREE TO BOW DOWN BEFORE ME THEN COMMIT SUICIDE BEFORE I PUMP YOUR GUTS FULL OF FIRE!" Shaki-oli roared. he sounded like a pip-squeak compared to the dragons watching him. "ONE... TWO... TWO AND A HALF... TWO AND THREE QUARTERS..."
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