The Brooding of Allie, Casey and Latte

Meanwhile, Tella & Ettie both say, "Aw crap.  Youngster in the pool."

And not just any youngster, but THAT one! :gig

Thanks, We will see.  We get high winds also (gusts of around 70mph took out the ducky dome last year) but I have insulated the places where the wire touches metal with electrical tape so there are no hard surfaces to rub on and the wires have a small profile for the wind so I hope they just bounce a bit.  The mast is 2ft+ in the ground in concrete,  I plan on putting a spacer at the top (maybe a hula hoop :lau ) to keep the tangles to a minimum.  Might end up tearing it all down (the lights)  We will see how it works.  I am looking for a net to string over it now, not sure if that would make it better or worse in the wind.

We just used the garden netting from Tractor Supply... think it was 7'x100' roll... cut it in proper lengths, overlapped and zip tied the seams double... that netting is more flat instead of the rounded weave so wind does not seem to cause any issues, and we're on a hill and get some major gusts, lol...
Meanwhile, Tella & Ettie both say, "Aw crap. Youngster in the pool."
Dead on! They aren't too happy with us these days. First it was their yard. Then came the flock. Then came Noir & Mystique. Now this!
And not just any youngster, but THAT one!

We just used the garden netting from Tractor Supply... think it was 7'x100' roll... cut it in proper lengths, overlapped and zip tied the seams double... that netting is more flat instead of the rounded weave so wind does not seem to cause any issues, and we're on a hill and get some major gusts, lol...
I ordered some fishing net with 1" holes that will cover the whole thing. It is made to stay outdoors and they recommend it for stopping golf balls, soft balls and soccer balls (as well as chicken coops) so I think it will keep any birds of prey out and the raccoons will all be fried before getting that high so they won't be chewing on it...
I put this up on my secure kennel page but haven't gotten any responses yet. Our initial anti-aerial attack defense is some light strings. The lights are just for us when we want them, I doubt they will be on every night all night, but I have heard of people hanging fishing line so I figure any lines/ropes/strings would work. The lights are about 2-1/2 ft apart at the edge of the fence and get closer in the center. Here is a pic with them lit:

The close area with the house is going to be Kaine's new jail - it doesn't need to be secure if the area is. The far corner that is fenced of is a current construction zone and that is where the scattered patio benches will go leaving the rest of the area open (with some shades/shelters added). I am going to have electric fence around the cage to prevent climbing.

So my question is, should these strings be enough of a deterrent to keep the hawks/eagles/owls away? Do I need more strings closer together - I could use fishing line or even more lights if I only needed to cut it in half. Should I also get anti-perch strips for the top of the fence? Any other ideas welcome. I have had no problems with hawks/eagles so far. That might be luck or it might be strategic clutter, but I have not had them exposed to owls and I know far less about their behavior. For example eagles like to strike their prey. They don't like to land near them then chase them down on the ground and attack them that way so clutter is fairly effective. I am not sure this is true for owls or not. We have great horned owls and barn owls in the area. My desire with this enclosure is to be able to go away say over night on a weekend (I will still be able to see them on the cameras) and put them in this enclosure with plenty of food and water. If they go in their house at night great! But if they don't, I don't want them to pay the ultimate price for their error.

I welcome any comments or experiences with flying predators. Thanks.
Awesome duck enclosure, this is mine! Not as fancy but it works!! My 7 ducks (3 pekin, 2 Cayuga, 2 blue Swedish) only stay in the enclosure at night. during the day they are free ranging.

Awesome duck enclosure, this is mine! Not as fancy but it works!! My 7 ducks (3 pekin, 2 Cayuga, 2 blue Swedish) only stay in the enclosure at night. during the day they are free ranging.

Very nice! I wish I could put a hard roof on, but to get a 20x20 hard roof in our area that would withstand the wind means a 20 x 20 barn which would definitely break the bank!
Since she is the strongest swimmer and she has been spending lots of time standing in the kiddie pool, we decided to show Casey what the big blue thing that all the other ducks disappear into is. So I set her at the top of the ramp of the big pool. Naturally she decided to check out the water.

This was the most water Casey had seen in her whole life... More than all the rest of the water put together...

Did I mention that Casey LOVES water?

I mean she REALLY LOVES water!!!!

We watched her until she climbed up the ramp then descended the ramp all by herself. She knows it's there... We figure she can tell her sisters. They will have to prove themselves by climbing the ramp on their own first. If they can get in the pool, they can get out of it. But now Casey knows and I am sure by the weekend, her sisters will know too.
TONY - she is so cute. She is a water burd. She a super happy gurl. Now she knows what her webs are for.

Here is some more enabling...

Casey and Latte have completely mastered the pool ramp and can come and go as they please. Allie can't yet. Her legs are strong enough now to walk all day and to run at least 70' at a time. But climbing is a bit of a challenge still. She'll get it... In the meantime, there is still one kiddie pool in the yard so Allie can swim when she likes and when we are around and her sisters are in the big pool, we will put Allie in with them. She really enjoys it.

Here Casey and Latte went and joined Tevye in the big pool. After Casey kicked Tevye's butt, he acknowledged that she was above him and they have gotten along famously. Tevye is the only duck I have regularly seen all three of the babies with. It was the same when Noir and Mystique were babies. Tevye does seem to have some pervy designs on Allie, but she is bigger than he is so he might not know she is just a 'ling. Anyway, he isn't too aggressive about it and she can just swim away saying, "no thank you."

In contrast to Tevye's non-aggressive pursuing of Allie, I saw one of the funniest things of my life yesterday when we let Kaine out on parole (he is getting better and is often out for nearly an hour before he has to go back in jail). Kaine decided that he wanted a little action from Pocahontas. For some reason Pocahontas was having none of that (she is usually pretty willing). So out of nowhere zoooom shooting past me is Pocahontas and Kaine. Pocahontas is running for all she is worth swerving left and right as she ran, and Kaine is riding on her back holding on her neck with his bill, one foot in the middle of her back, and his other foot hopping along the ground on the side like he was riding a skate board or a razor on X games.
This went on for at least 50' (then they disappeared behind the pool and I couldn't see them.) Ducks do the darndest things...

Edit: Also in the news with Kaine yesterday... When we let him out, normally the first thing he does is make a bee-line for the big pool. Well yesterday he got halfway up the ramp and Casey came from inside the pool and walked up to the peak of the ramp. Kaine stopped in his tracks... He looked at Casey. Casey just stood there. He turned around and walked back down the ramp and never went into the pool the whole 1-1/2 hours he was out (Casey got out of the pool 5 minutes later so he had a free pool available most of the time.) The only action between Kaine and a duckling the whole time was he walked near Allie and looked at her, she quick stepped a few feet away from him and he let her be. So although friendships haven't really been made yet (with the possible exception of Tevye), the entire flock (all 15) are getting along. Even Latte has calmed down for the most part.
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Here is some more enabling... Casey and Latte have completely mastered the pool ramp and can come and go as they please. Allie can't yet. Her legs are strong enough now to walk all day and to run at least 70' at a time. But climbing is a bit of a challenge still. She'll get it... In the meantime, there is still one kiddie pool in the yard so Allie can swim when she likes and when we are around and her sisters are in the big pool, we will put Allie in with them. She really enjoys it. Here Casey and Latte went and joined Tevye in the big pool. After Casey kicked Tevye's butt, he acknowledged that she was above him and they have gotten along famously. Tevye is the only duck I have regularly seen all three of the babies with. It was the same when Noir and Mystique were babies. Tevye does seem to have some pervy designs on Allie, but she is bigger than he is so he might not know she is just a 'ling. Anyway, he isn't too aggressive about it and she can just swim away saying, "no thank you." In contrast to Tevye's non-aggressive pursuing of Allie, I saw one of the funniest things of my life yesterday when we let Kaine out on parole (he is getting better and is often out for nearly an hour before he has to go back in jail). Kaine decided that he wanted a little action from Pocahontas. For some reason Pocahontas was having none of that (she is usually pretty willing). So out of nowhere zoooom shooting past me is Pocahontas and Kaine. Pocahontas is running for all she is worth swerving left and right as she ran, and Kaine is riding on her back holding on her neck with his bill, one foot in the middle of her back, and his other foot hopping along the ground on the side like he was riding a skate board or a razor on X games. :lau This went on for at least 50' (then they disappeared behind the pool and I couldn't see them.) Ducks do the darndest things... Edit: Also in the news with Kaine yesterday... When we let him out, normally the first thing he does is make a bee-line for the big pool. Well yesterday he got halfway up the ramp and Casey came from inside the pool and walked up to the peak of the ramp. Kaine stopped in his tracks... He looked at Casey. Casey just stood there. He turned around and walked back down the ramp and never went into the pool the whole 1-1/2 hours he was out (Casey got out of the pool 5 minutes later so he had a free pool available most of the time.) The only action between Kaine and a duckling the whole time was he walked near Allie and looked at her, she quick stepped a few feet away from him and he let her be. So although friendships haven't really been made yet (with the possible exception of Tevye), the entire flock (all 15) are getting along. Even Latte has calmed down for the most part.
That is too funny. You know your flock so well. I just love that buff color on ducks. Looks like how I drink my coffee, or as my husband calls it, my liquid candy.

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