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Awesome! Glad you caught at least one. Best of luck with its buddies.

Wonder if these would work on them? Do they use their front paws as= hands, like raccoons do?
This is the Z-trap we used to catch 3 coons so far. The animal reaches into the top of the tube (baited with cat/dog food, anything that will tempt it to reach in) and the band wraps around its wrist/ankle and they can't get loose. These things are so strong, I can't set one by myself. Not strong enough to squeeze it. But they are safe around dogs, chickens, and such, because they can't reach in for the treat. The trigger mechanism is a few inches deep inside, so even if a dog sniffs of licks them, it can't reach the trigger)
(the orange thing in the picture is a tool to help one person set it, but I haven't tried one of those yet)
I've caught raccoons and opossums in the duke style leg trap but no squirrels. However, I doubt the squirrel would want to eat fish.

When squirrels chew a hole in my 5 gallon buckets of seed, I hang a #110 conibear body trap so it has to trigger to crawl into the hole. I've caught 4 in a day with that setup.

Huh... Those would be interesting... Might work if the critter decided to crawl inside...

But these things really are like a hotdog with tiny little legs......

The have-a-heart worked... So we will keep using it...

Kid that found the trapped weasel yelled to me that we had caught it...I told him that he would have to say it four more times...and show me the cage before I could believe our good fortune..... He did!

Do you have a picture of your weasel trap? I need to make a couple for mink. Hav-a-Harts have never worked.
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I've caught raccoons and opossums in the duke style leg trap but no squirrels. However, I doubt the squirrel would want to eat fish.

When squirrels chew a hole in my 5 gallon buckets of seed, I hang a #110 conibear body trap so it has to trigger to crawl into the hole. I've caught 4 in a day with that setup.

Oh! That's a great idea with the body trap after they've chewed a hole.

But I have wayyyy too many squirrels to even bother trying to catch them. The birds don't seem to mind the squirrels either. Even though they eat a lot of feed, and drive my dogs bonkers.
My prayers sent........

we are in another turmoil in this country.........and we need to practice patience and understanding ..........and reach out to our neighbors.......though easier said than done, espeically around here. I will leave it at that.
My prayers sent........

we are in another turmoil in this country.........and we need to practice patience and understanding ..........and reach out to our neighbors.......though easier said than done, espeically around here. I will leave it at that.
Well said. Thank you to all for the prayers for our guys and gals in blue. Thankfully my SIL is not in Cleveland and my granddaughter is safely in her knew job in Florida and no longer working at the zoo in Baton Rouge.
Huh... Those would be interesting... Might work if the critter decided to crawl inside...

But these things really are like a hotdog with tiny little legs......

The have-a-heart worked... So we will keep using it...

Kid that found the trapped weasel yelled to me that we had caught it...I told him that he would have to say it four more times...and show me the cage before I could believe our good fortune..... He did!

We made a wooden box, drilled a hole in the front, and used a rat trap within. Directions are easily found over the internet.

I used a havaheart trap.

Size 1025 which is for small squirrels.

So..... I was selling 6 pullets today... As we rounded them up, we actually smashed and not quite killed one of the pullets that we were about to sell.

Not kidding. :th it got under the ramp and we smashed it.

My son and I looked at the little still breathing and smashed body... Our jaws on the floor..... I mean really now...... How could I be looking at that?


We had a different pullet to substitute for the smushed one...... So I was still able to fill the order and get some money...

And then, with money in my pocket I went to the store to buy cereal for the kids....

While there I ran into a lady that I have sold lots of poultry to.... She asked how
I was doing... I told that I was still a bit shell-shocked after predation by a great horned owl and then a weasel, all in the same week... And that I was really upset about loosing all of my Ameraucana bantam breeders.

Guess what?

Before I went down to Texas I traded her some ducklings for a turkey, and begged her to take two newly hatched chicks for free, so that the kids wouldn't have them to take care of while I was gone...

She said she still had them, that they were now keeping a lone duckling company, but once they were done tending to the duckling...she would be happy to give them back to me for free....... And she that "it was so interesting that they were such different colors from each other" :eek: so... She has a pair of my Ameraucanas!

:bow :bow :bow I actually teared up.... There in the middle of the grocery store.... Dang! I am getting a boy back...for free!!! Even if he looks like poop...I can make that work!!!!!!!

My life reads like a soap opera doesn't it? :rolleyes:

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