The Rhodebar thread!

The pair was in a pen with other breeds when I bought them and I didn't pay much attention because I wasn't expecting her to start laying right away. Not complaining about that! I was not expecting to use the chicks from the first few weeks for breeding, but if she ends up looking good as an adult, I might give in and add her to next year's breeders. It depends on what else hatches.


Ok guys I need your expertise again. This chick is a RB / HRIR cross. I know it's early on. I have more in the bator and another one should hatch anytime. These were some I put in Brinsea mini to check fertility. I have about 18 more in my other bator.

Ok guys I need your expertise again. This chick is a RB / HRIR cross. I know it's early on. I have more in the bator and another one should hatch anytime. These were some I put in Brinsea mini to check fertility. I have about 18 more in my other bator.
looks female to me, but then again these RB/HRIR chicks behave different from normal e+/e+ while looking like one..
Ok guys I need your expertise again. This chick is a RB / HRIR cross. I know it's early on. I have more in the bator and another one should hatch anytime. These were some I put in Brinsea mini to check fertility. I have about 18 more in my other bator.
looks female to me, but then again these RB/HRIR chicks behave different from normal e+/e+ while looking like one..
Yes it is hard to tell wuth F1s. Of the group I had with definite chipmunk stripes and eye liner about 75% were female

Ok guys I need your expertise again. This chick is a RB / HRIR cross. I know it's early on. I have more in the bator and another one should hatch anytime. These were some I put in Brinsea mini to check fertility. I have about 18 more in my other bator.

I would say female as well BUT that is not based on coloring. I am basing it on it's wing and tail already developing (at least they look that way in the pic). My females got their wing feathers and tail feathers much much faster then the males. After hatching out F1's I would not sex them on coloring, eyeliner, or stripes.

I have been letting my first batch of F1's out to do some free ranging for the last couple of days. They appear to be good foragers. They are also very reactive when they hear my other chickens and guineas alert. Females are starting to look a little prettier but still have bad type. A few of the males are showing decent (more HRIR) type. I will try to get some pics of them this weekend.

They are looking good Sheri. I wish mine would cooperate at picture time, lol. I grabbed just a couple pics while they were running in and out of their pen free-ranging.

This is my keeper, his type is much better then the others


I have that funky color on the back half of the pullets. It's like it
didn't know if it should be black or beetle green.

Barring in the pullets is not nearly as prominent as in the males.
Here is a close up of a pullet's barring.

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