The Rhodebar thread!

Just wondering where anyone could point me to the welbar thread that is good along with a buckbar thread. I have a rhodebar roo over welsummer and buckeye hens?


Just a few updated pictures of my 9 week old Rhodebar from Secret Hills Ranch
Hi.. Your male does not look bad.... he looks good to me .. H does not show allot black in his back and keel.... and that is great... he has black where he should... good luck with him

Hi I have 28 Rhodebar eggs in the bator due to hatch July 15th. Hoping that I have at least half hatch as they are shipped eggs. Would love to follow some other Rhodebar raisers on their adventures. Hoping to raise and sell this rare breed to others.
Hi I have 28 Rhodebar eggs in the bator due to hatch July 15th. Hoping that I have at least half hatch as they are shipped eggs. Would love to follow some other Rhodebar raisers on their adventures. Hoping to raise and sell this rare breed to others.

Fantastic. Who did your eggs come from? Be sure to post pics after hatch.
Hi I have 28 Rhodebar eggs in the bator due to hatch July 15th. Hoping that I have at least half hatch as they are shipped eggs. Would love to follow some other Rhodebar raisers on their adventures. Hoping to raise and sell this rare breed to others.

Fantastic. Who did your eggs come from? Be sure to post pics after hatch.

Cant remember right now exactly who they came from but will look. I had 4 hatch out of 28 which is a littlw disappointing but i did get 2 females and 2 males. Still havent taken pics but they are coming

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