The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

In NJ we are still lucky to be able to show. I am planning on showing my BLRW and SLW this season. I predict a lot of success with them, seeing the competition at other shows. Nobody else has such nice Wyandottes as me.
Hi everyone, I have 6 SLW Cockerals growing out and was looking for an opinion on who I should keep.



Here is my beautiful Henry penny. We lost our other silver laced lulu two days ago :( Henry Lenny is top hen in our flock. She loves treats and I'm pretty sure she knows her name now!
Here is Lacey, who is now 11 weeks old. I am not sure if I have her figured out yet. Sometimes she is sweet and gentle, other times she can be kinda a punk, and she is the most flighty of all our other chicks, but I wouldn't classify her as flighty. She definitely has the most to say when I pick her up, oh boy does she protest it! But we love her and her feathering is really coming in beautifully.

I have two SLW chicks. They are about 3 weeks old now. I'll have to post a picture later because I'm not sure about some of my chicks.


Okay I ordered 2 Sliver Laced Wyandotte chicks. Is the chick in the middle picture the Silver Laced Wyandotte or is it the top chick in the first picture? Trying to get chick pictures is almost as easy as herding cats. LOL

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I have two SLW chicks. They are about 3 weeks old now. I'll have to post a picture later because I'm not sure about some of my chicks. The chick in the middle picture is a barred rock chick. On the top picture the chick going by the white fence that's the silver laced Wyandotte chick. EDITED to ADD... Okay I ordered 2 Sliver Laced Wyandotte chicks. Is the chick in the middle picture the Silver Laced Wyandotte or is it the top chick in the first picture? Trying to get chick pictures is almost as easy as herding cats. LOL

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