The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

To Fuzzy Butts Farm and Others: Tetra Tints are listed for sale in the 2013 Mt Healthy Chick Catalog and are available as Straight Run, Cockrels, or Pullets....Another source is Central Hatchery in Nebraska. Tetra Tints are a simple two breed cross between Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns. Years ago they were sold as LegxReds,Berigolds,etc. Mt Healthy's number is 1-800-451-5603. I don't have the number for Central hatchery. Central is by the way a Great Service oriented hatchery and has outstanding near standard form, color, and weight in their RIReds. If you check the hatchery reviews their record is glowing. You can go to Feathersite and click the hatchery link. Unless something has changed, Mt Healthy sells these to the general public through it's catalog as well as TSC. I also saw them for sale somewhere else, I'm thinking Townline Hatchery in Michigan. Maybe?. Good Wishes.
To ChicketyChickChick: Check the Central Hatchery website in Nebraska..He also sells them and says they are a RIRxWhite Leghorn Cross. Call the hatchery owner up tomorrow and he will tell you for sure. This hatchery is different. The owner is actually available and may even answer the phone. I first located them by going to the hatcheries link on Feathersite. Good Look.
The ones I got look like yours. But I have 2 that have a slight smokey color to them instead of the white white. not sign of a Roo yet I hope, but wondering about 1 of the barred rocks I got. I have 4 Roo's so need no more
we I was down to two Tetra Tints so I got two EE one of them turned out to be a Roo long story short I have 5 TT/EE chicks this year

Here they are !! My Tetra Tint girls (and one roo?) and red sex links joined the big girls in the hen house today : )

I got them 3/26 at TSC - they were a few days old ( I think ) at the time.
I wouldn't be too quick to call that one a roo. I had one that I was convinced was a roo because she had a much larger comb than the others at that age. She was the first one to start laying. She still has a much larger comb, more like a leghorn, and is also the only one that lays white eggs.
I wound up with two tetra tints from TSC and one of mine has the rust colored lacing on its chest like Tetra. I assumed he must be male b/c of the "rule" of red and other colors on the chest and wings. Does this "rule" not hold true for tetra tints. It's 13 weeks old and comb is still small and pink...still hoping for a hen.

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