The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

Wow! I'm kind of excited. My first broody! Haha I saw my oldest cockerel romancing her earlier this week. But he's only 4.5 months old. Not sure if it's even possible... I guess we're about to find out!
Yes, one of my 6 (hatched in early April) went broody a few weeks ago.. comb is smaller and not bright red and floppy and she won't let me pick her up or touch her... had to lock her in the small coop for a few days to break her. No rooster and no room for more chickens right now. She really turned into Henzilla (which is now her official name) Have another that won't let me touch her or do the submissive squat and my egg count is 4 some days and 5 on others so figure she is heading there also - her name will be Broomhilda. I can't tell who is who since they all look alike so put a small band with a small plastic pink star on Henzilla's ankle - will put something similar on Broomhilda in the next few days
She let me pet her tonight. Sitting on one egg, as I thought. I can only tell my 3 tetras apart by comb size. This one has the biggest. I love it, haha. She is also the friendliest, but mine are all pretty friendly.
She let me pet her tonight. Sitting on one egg, as I thought. I can only tell my 3 tetras apart by comb size. This one has the biggest. I love it, haha. She is also the friendliest, but mine are all pretty friendly.

Mine are all sweet girls and I could hold and pet them all.. until she went broody. I can still pet/hold the others. Henzilla follows me around (along with the 5 Guineas) when I let them out.. but won't let me pick her up.. Hoping she will return to her old self. She is probably mad because I kept taking her off the nest (and she didn't try and peck - just alot of loud cluck clucking at me lol) and then locked her up in the little coop.
She was pushed off the nest & the egg was badly cracked this morning. Here's the kicker -- THE EGG WAS FERTILE (right? I'm no egg expert, but that looks like a huge bullseye to me. It was set on about 18 hours, I guess)! My oldest cockerel is 15 weeks old! Call MTV now.
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Got my Tetra Tints in April and they have matured into beautiful hens.They are excellent layers and are very smart.They seem to be smarter than my pure breeds,go figure
I moved cream to the brooder box and provided her with some eggs to sit on(mainly so she would stop making all the other pullets turn away from the nesting boxes). She has been in there 24 hours now and has only set on the nest for a short time. I think the issue is that it is far enough away from the flock that she can hear them but not close enough she can see them. I figure I'll leave her separated till either she lays or hatches an egg! She was making the "separated from the flock" sound today and my head hen was talking back to her. I'm not worried about her loosing place in the pecking order because I think she was already one of the lowest. I am worried however about putting her back in the run too soon and her going back to her henzilla(velociraptor screech) ways... Egg production in the pen seems to be picking back up now that they can safely get to the nesting boxes without being shrieked or pecked at.

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