The Wyandotte Bantam Thread

Hello all!
Very interested in this thread. I have been looking for SLW bantams for a while with no luck. Yesterday, out of the blue, a judge and breeder of SLW's called me and said he heard I was looking and he had a trio for me! So excited! I will get them in a few weeks.

Who here shows? I have been watching the wyandotte bantams at shows (blacks and whites) and it is a funny class. The interpretation of the standard is so different from judge to judge. If you show do you find this a difficult breed to show?

I am hoping to make the foray into that world next year!
I am not too sure if he does or not...bit we are in Ontario so it's a hike! In the future if I have any to sell I can attempt to bring them for you. We are in Louisiana a few times a year for business.
I know this super nice man sold three other trios to breeders so I am not thinking he has more to sell. I asked to be out on his list for a future trio from a different line.
Hello all!
Very interested in this thread. I have been looking for SLW bantams for a while with no luck. Yesterday, out of the blue, a judge and breeder of SLW's called me and said he heard I was looking and he had a trio for me! So excited! I will get them in a few weeks.

Who here shows? I have been watching the wyandotte bantams at shows (blacks and whites) and it is a funny class. The interpretation of the standard is so different from judge to judge. If you show do you find this a difficult breed to show?

I am hoping to make the foray into that world next year!
I do not show my birds, but all of my stock come from show quality lines. As far as the judges go I have heard that they are very different in traits they concentrate on selecting; some look for color, other look for type, etc. I think if you would pull up the wyandotte standard of perfection online it will help you.
I have two 13 week old silver laced wyondotte bantams, one started crowing this morning, can anyone give me as much info as possible regarding ,keeping noise down, living with hybrids, personality, aggression, etc, i want to do all i can to keep him.
I suppose you could try putting him in a coop that is completely dark at night (with perhaps just a small nightlight). The goal would be if he couldn't see the sun rise, perhaps he wouldn't crow so early in the morning that he bothered people. Then, you could let the chickens out at a time when crowing is more acceptable.

I know one lady would put her rooster in a dog crate every evening, and then take him into the garage, where any noise he made was muffled. She would put him back with the flock in the morning, at a time when crowing was more acceptable.

Otherwise... For your other questions, perhaps look through the general section since I don't think any of them are truly breed specific.

There are various ideas as to the best way to make a rooster stay kind. I have never worked at that, so am not helpful in that regard. :confused:

Good luck! I hope you are able to solve the problems you are encountering.
Thankyou, we are going to build him his own section in the large coop, it worried me that locking him away from the girls overnight may cause him stress, but, it seems like alot of people do this and its ok,,thankyou for your kind advice
Hi everyone. I came across this thread and have a question. I received a year old black Wyandotte bantam rooster from a gentleman today when I picked up a year old golden comet from him and I'm trying to make sure this rooster is what the guy said he is. I've attached a photo of him. Hopefully he is a black Wyandotte bantam because I'm really wanting to start getting into breeding and raising bantams. Thanks everyone.


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