Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think my store said they're getting them in on Wednesday too. I'll probably check some out, but I know they have a six chick minimum.
I wouldn't be able to keep that many without another coop. I could just keep a couple and sell the others I guess. (That's what I'd like to do, but I'm sure my mom wouldn't like it)
I'll convince her somehow. My dad wants chicks more than I do, so he can help.
Guess what I just got at tsc about an hour ago! More chickssss! I got 2 Wyandottes and 4 unknown assorted pullets. I have no idea what they are. Anybody know what they could be?




This is one of the wyandottes

The second one looks like a dark or buff brahma I can't tell if his legs are feathered or not and the last pic maybe leghorn just a guess there way too young to know for sure.

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