Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

Anybody in NJ know of any TJ or WF that carry the fertile eggs? I have called a bunch and they think I am crazy!
The Buzz is that the store needs to be close to the egg farm that has fertile eggs.

They are in california up to Redding but not so much into Oregon or Washington.
What? Hadn't heard this one. Eek!

I'm thinking they might have auxiliary egg plants across the U.S. because it would cost lots to ship from CA to NM vs, let's say, CO to NM. I may be wrong, but there's lots of those Hy-Line birds in production elsewheres than just CA. I mean, they have TJ's in Missouri. Surely they don't ship in eggs from CA.
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Oops! Should wear my glasses. I thought you were saying they were going to close the farm with the fertile eggs.
Mea culpa.

As Emily LaTella would say... "Never mind."
What? Hadn't heard this one. Eek!

I'm thinking they might have auxiliary egg plants across the U.S. because it would cost lots to ship from CA to NM vs, let's say, CO to NM. I may be wrong, but there's lots of those Hy-Line birds in production elsewheres than just CA. I mean, they have TJ's in Missouri. Surely they don't ship in eggs from CA.

Oops! Should wear my glasses. I thought you were saying they were going to close the farm with the fertile eggs.
Mea culpa.

As Emily LaTella would say... "Never mind."
That is fine!

Those with Trader Joe's stores close enough to an egg farm that sells fertile eggs will have them. Someone from Oregon did not have fertile eggs stocked in the trader Joe's there. They may be in other Stores up there though. It is worth checking.

The egg farm here in Sonoma County is doing a great job!
I'm thinking they have a fertile egg farm in either CO or NM because the ones I picked up in Santa Fe were super fertile, nice air cells, and hatched with no problems in the high altitude. The post gave me a start for panic because I was going to replenish my flock with TJ's chicks-from-eggs, but wasn't planning on it for another year......

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