Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

It looks like this thread fizzled out two years ago, I have read most of it and have a Magic Fly incubator arriving today. I am in a quarantine area for Virulent Newcastle and cannot have chicks mailed to my zip code and I do not want to incubate local farmers market eggs due to the Newcastle risk as small as it may be. I have always kept a closed flock and not worried about such things. I have never incubated before but I am going to TJ's later this week and getting some fertile eggs. Wish me luck.

I've been checking my local TJ's, but the Fertile eggs are all 8+ days old. Best hatch I ever had was 3-day old eggs, but I think their appearance was a fluke of store merchandising.
OK, I am in, maybe all by myself here? I went to TJ's last night and had them look in the back for fresher eggs, they brought out a dozen that were 5 days old according to Julian date. Of the 12 5 were cracked or broken, all on the bottoms so they did not show the damage when I opened the carton. 1 of the 7 left had a hairline crack and I set it anyways. Note to self next time get two dozen... So they are in the magic fly at 38 C with water on the bottom of pan. The magic fly does not show the humidity I am just going to keep the water topped off. Set it and (try) to forget it. I will candle at about 4 days. Thats all for now.

Just wanted to let you know that it is possible to hatch chicks out of grocery store eggs. This little guy hatched Sunday out of brown fertilized eggs from our local grocery store in Hawaii. The eggs were imported from California, Petaluma I suspect and were listed as brown, fertilized eggs. I have no idea how old they were. They were at least a week underway (they go by ship). No idea how long they were refrigerated. I put six in the incubator, 3 developed, 2 went to lock down, and 1 hatched. I contacted the egg producer to see if they could tell me the breed they use for their fertilized eggs, but they have not responded, so it is anybody's guess!
Pretty sure I have a little roo on my hands, you can see the attitude already in his little face. His name is Frankie as my sister thought it was very Frankenstein of me to try to hatch a chick from a grocery store egg! Good luck out there with your hatches!:)

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