Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

Day 22: Got a pip in one of my 3 TJ eggs in lockdown!
I think I saw those at the shopping Kart last weekend but wasn't sure if they would be fertile since I couldn't find it listed on the box..we're they multi colored shells inside?


It is quite the challenge to find fertile grocery store eggs up here in Oregon. I picked up these last week and after candling tonight I had 10 infertile, 1 too dark of a shell to tell, and OMG ONE BLOODRING!!! Ok, I guess that's not the best results for grocery store eggs, but wow, that does give me hope to try again.

Yes these ones were all multi-colored eggs. They didn't say fertile on the box but they do have a YouTube video of their pastured jens, and I swear I saw an Austrolorp roo in one of the I thought I would give them a try. :idunno:idunno I've got that one dark egg in the incubator, still can't tell on it so I will just have to wait and see if it hatches next Sunday...
Here's the one that hatched out yesterday. Unfortunately, it's two companion TJ eggs didn't make it (Day 19 quitters, it looks like)

There's one black dot on the back of the head.

Upper left is TJ's chick. You can see the one dot on the head.
The closest Whole Foods to me is brand new. They don't carry fertile eggs ... yet. I really would like to get brown eggs so I can get something other than Legbars. I guess I'll have to try the one in downtown Tucson. I've checked Sprouts and they don't carry them.
The closest Whole Foods to me is brand new. They don't carry fertile eggs ... yet. I really would like to get brown eggs so I can get something other than Legbars. I guess I'll have to try the one in downtown Tucson. I've checked Sprouts and they don't carry them.
Do you mean Leghorns? That is what white eggs would most likely produce. But brown eggs often produce something similar. My brown "Rock Island Fertile eggs" from my grocery store produced "Austra Whites" which look very much like the Leghorns. This is a picture of them about time I rehomed them (he started crowing and I can't keep roosters here..). Check other stores besides just TJs and Whole foods. I found fertile eggs at my local SaveMart. I also have heard that Costco carries them at some stores.

Do you mean Leghorns? That is what white eggs would most likely produce. But brown eggs often produce something similar. My brown "Rock Island Fertile eggs" from my grocery store produced "Austra Whites" which look very much like the Leghorns. This is a picture of them about time I rehomed them (he started crowing and I can't keep roosters here..). Check other stores besides just TJs and Whole foods. I found fertile eggs at my local SaveMart. I also have heard that Costco carries them at some stores.

Thanks for the heads up. I don't think we have SaveMarts here in Tucson. Fry's, Albertsons, SafeWay, Sprouts, Whole Foods, TJs, and Bashas.

I'm going to see how this non-TJ batch is in the incubator (just a week!). If I have late quitters, I'm going to try some TJs or local fertile eggs before getting another expensive dozen. (These were the legbars, which is why I got confused. I did mean leghorns.)
My TJ eggs didn't make it. I had 4 or 5 do something and then quit. I don't know if it was my broody or the eggs that went wrong. My broody has never sat on eggs before, just raised chicks. I gave her a few hatchery chicks to keep her happy and I'll try again. Maybe next time she'll do better. I really want a TJ hen!
My TJ eggs didn't make it. I had 4 or 5 do something and then quit. I don't know if it was my broody or the eggs that went wrong. My broody has never sat on eggs before, just raised chicks. I gave her a few hatchery chicks to keep her happy and I'll try again. Maybe next time she'll do better. I really want a TJ hen!
Aww...sorry to hear that. At least you know they were really fertile. They do get bounced around in transport and I am really amazed that any of them hatch for any of us. Hope you try again.
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After relapsing in my chicken addiction while living somewhere I can't have them I have built and incubator and store bought eggs! I can't keep anything that may come from them, but will enjoy for a few weeks before selling. It should be enough to tide me over until our lease is over! They're currently on day 3. 11 Trader Joe's and 8 NutriFresh from Green Pastures. I also discovered Wild Harvest from Albertson's were about 50/50 on the fertile bullseye when making breakfast this weekend. I may build another to try those out ;) Oh the things you'll do to keep chickens in your life! Counting down the days until we can have a full flock of our own!
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