Trapped a Neighbor's Dog on My Deck....Got an Earful

It's hard because I do love dogs. I have one who is almost always in the house and she has a fenced area inside our perimeter fence next to the house when she is out, but she is almost 13 years old and never barks (though she did bark when she saw a dog on the deck outside the window, good girl).

I have printed out the parts of the ordinance for this county that applies to this situation and will hand it to the kid's father. I have told my DH that we need to make a report solely because of the threat he made to kill all my chickens. If he hadn't made that threat, I wouldn't make the report, but if he decides to carry it out, maybe even before we are forced to shoot the dog, it will be on file and they will have a suspect. I have really nice neighbors, including his dad. This kid has been in so much trouble in the last few years and he even had to go live with his mother in Colorado for a time.
Made me laugh too... Glad you're keeping your sense of humor.
If the dog is so precious to this young man, then he should try harder to keep him in his yard or in a confined space. The nerve of some people! Keep your pets on your property!
I agree Terry! I'm a real peaceful kind of guy but one warning is enough. That's why there's a LOADED shotgun and rifle close to the door. We don't have "animal control" where I live and people from other towns and counties bring a lot of dogs/cats/?? pets here to drop and also get a lot of "short-term renters" that leave their pets when they move. All these plus the people that don't control their critters makes one heck of a mess for livestock.

Back to Speckledhens' dilema, The report was a must! Any threat to family,pets or livestock must be taken seriously, especially with the sons "bad crowd" history.

And for the record,I'm also a dog lover. I've been known to get teary-eyed seeing a dog hit on the road, but I'll darn sure kill one in a heartbeat that's harassing my family and animals.
Well First Off All He Has No Respect. I would be grateful someone held my dog for me. And thats a reasonable warning. I have to take the time to put both my dogs on a leash, so why shouldn't he ! If he really cared about his dogs he would make sure it was safe in the yard. The bad thing about that law is you really need him to kill a chicken before you can kill him, so just be careful you dont want to get yourself into any trouble. Keep good records too and take some dated pictures, and if you can see his house see if the dog is off the leash in there property too, and other neighbors.

Don't let him insult you, if i lived close to you i would go down and give him a piece of my mind
OMG! He threatened the Suedenator and Isaac
OMG! * fanny herself briskly* Tell that little snot nosed toerag I can become his worst nightmare in less than 6 hours, I am old, cranky, menopausal and love my rifle!

Poor Tom. He is such a dear man and very soft spoken indeed. Talk to the parents of this devil's spawn? I certainly would. File a report Cyn...he is an adult so let him be treated as one.
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