True Blue Whiting info please?

I am interested in this breed and wondering if any of you have had them long enough to be able to judge their personalities. I am not knocking Leghorns at all, but have read and been told by owners that they can be very mean, to the point of cannibalistic.

The only problem I've ever had with leghorns was trying to stop them from roosting 60ft up,in the tops of pine trees. This go around the pens are enclosed

I have both brown and white Leghorns, mine are friendly and yes the only problem I've had with them is roosting high in the apple tree in the summer (because then I worry about them)
Thank you both for the info. I think I might try the True Blue Whiting when I can just buy 2-3 to start. Right now I have two different Spanish Breeds and a few EE's. Good luck with your birds, and I will check in occasionally to see how everyone is progressing.

A handful of the True Blues I received from McMurray on Wednesday. They all arrived alive and very vigorous. I also ordered a large batch of BLRW and every one of them developed pasty butt, the True Blues didn't.
Both of these breeds are in such a demand here in AK I sold every one of them.. Luckily I have anothe shipment coming for myself with a few. :)
One article I read said there were two lines of the bule eggers. The one McMurray has, was developed from aruacana,blue Adalusions,and white leghorns by Dr Whiting. I don't know how accurate this is
Murray McMurray obtained their flock from Dr. Whiting at Whiting Farms (according to Tom Whiting). Now -- if the folks at McMurray did anything or introduced any other birds to their hatchery flock since that time, I have no idea. But they advertise them as Whiting birds, so I doubt it.

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