True Blue Whiting info please?

Another source option is to call all local feedstores and find out who they order from, then if some one uses MM ask them to put in for the WTBs. Some stores will do this, one store out here before the owner retired used to do this, that is how I ended up with a very rare breed one time, he put in an order for a local ethnic community and he ordered extra so he could give my family a chick too. He sold all his extras no problem... he specialized in poultry and seeds for the ethnic communities. I miss that feedstore, always had cool breeds, interesting costomers, and cool rare veggie seed in bulk.
Okay what do those familiar with the breed think... Boy or girl? 4 weeks old.



I was thinking pointy tail featers are a sign of boy, but now looking at pictures of the hens it might be a trait... But what about the comb? Opinions plz...
Okay what do those familiar with the breed think... Boy or girl? 4 weeks old.

I was thinking pointy tail featers are a sign of boy, but now looking at pictures of the hens it might be a trait... But what about the comb? Opinions plz...
For me, a side profile, full body, would be helpful. I love that it's so light (white?). I only kept a couple out of the 25 I purchased, but I don't remember seeing white ones. Lucky you!

I know my girl's tails, when they got older, are held more upright, similar to a CLB. They didn't lay down like I see in MM's pics. Anyhow, mine lay blue and that was what I was after. I have 2 offspring. I really need to get some pics I think.

I honestly cannot say one way or another by your pic, right now. A full body side profile can be helpful

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