True Blue Whiting info please?




My chicks just hatched. It looks like I got mostly blues!
My chicks hatched and I am still waiting for most of them to dry. I had 14 out of 20 that were fertile. Of those 14,11 hatched. Of those 11, 1 hatched funny and had an upside down neck, it was the 2nd to hatch and I assumer it's neck kind of solidifed in that direction. It tried to drown itself in the water and had labored breathing before that. I put it down so it wouldn't suffer anymore.

Of those 11 eggs, I had 3 marans eggs hatch, 2 TBW eggs hatch, 2 Americauna/ Easter Egger and 3 Olive Egger eggs hatch. Seeing how most of the little buggers decided to hatch while I was at work, I have only a vague idea of whom hathed from what egg.

I had my TBW splash rooster in with my black and ever so slightly birchen easter egger hen, my Red Pyle TBW hen, my white marans hen and my cuckoo marans hen.

I also had my BLRW rooster in with my Blue Splash Olive Egger.

I only chose to hatch the different colored eggs this time around.

Based on what they look like mostly dry, I think I have 2 splash, 1 red pyle and 7 "your guess is better than mine".

1 reminds me of the black BLRW; but I thought blue to splash would only produce blue or splash. Plus, I think it came out of the greenish blue egg, so that would most likely be the TBW rooster and my Americauna/ Easter Egger hen. Super puffy cheeks. I've attached a photo.


I am about 80% sure two of the black ones are from my white marans hen as she has the heavily feathered shanks and these 2 chicks also have pretty feathered shanks. I am pretty sure the two splash ones are from my Olive Egger and my BLRW pairing. And then I realized my Olive Egger is the result of a Marans and an Americauna.... so my feathered shank idea is probably out the window.

The last two are still drenched in the incubator, so we'll see what color they are in the morning.

I honestly expected mostly white out of all these chicks, so the different colors were a pleasant surprise.

Please forgive the box they are in, my brooder cage was sterilizing from the last batch of Chicks I had in there.

Good evening. :)
I hatched some TBW eggs in January and ended up with 2 pullets and 5 cockerels. They are much more skiddish than most of my flock (mostly heritage breeds) and don't venture out much at all.
Anyone have updates on their TBW? Here is mine. Out of the 4 that I ordered 1 lays so light it's egg looks white unless next to my Ancona egg, 2 lay a pretty powdered blue (still very light) and one lays a consistent deep blue green (gorgeous egg not anywhere near true blue). Egg laying capability is off the charts. The three I kept give me close to an egg a day but only one out of all of them will let me catch her and hold her. The other three are as skiddish as they come. At the end of the day I think there are much better blue egg layers out there and feel these are just glorified leghorn/EE mutts. I won't be getting any more in the future.

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