I went last Sunday to bring home some duck feed. Last year I had the idea of getting chicks but when they told me about the 6 chick minimum I decided to get 4 ducklings, 2 yellow ones and 2 mallard looking ones. I knew enough about them to have a nice place for them and was excited about not having so many bugs. Plus, the eggs and the 2 duckling minimum pushed me right to the register with a cheeping box of day old cuties. I brought them home and showed my son telling him that he could learn all about chores and taking care of them. He was so excited =). The next day we went back for supplies and he points out a crested baby and one that's got more black on it than the mallards. So, we ended up with 6 total. They turned out to be 2 drake pekins, 2 rouen ducks, still not sure about the crested but Moe is a girl, and the black one, Jeffrey (who is also a girl) well, I think she may be a mix of some sort but she turned out to be the sweetest and is the only one that lets me pick her up on occassion when its her idea. Moe is a little so and so who likes to start trouble. One of my pekins was killed by an owl in the fall. But the eggs are delicious and I'm thinking about making an incubator if one of them doesn't get broody soon.

So, Sunday we go just to get feed. I thought maybe it was a little early for chicks so no temptation.
Well, I live in Georgia so I was WRONG. We are now the proud owners of 7 chicks- 3 rhode island hen, 3 black giant straight run mysteries, and a black giant or sex link hen.
So, that brings our total to 7 chicks, 5 ducks, 2 rabbits (males who have their own 12'x10' `fence), a pair of lovebirds, a bulldog, and a fully stocked goldfish pond. I'm trying to find some free or cheap pallets this weekend to build them a bigger coop. The ducks free range during the day in a 1 acre fence and I would really like to have my yard bak without so much poo this summer when its more than toasty outside.

I would really like a turkey or 2 though =). And wouldn't it be nice if the new pen is also an aviary for the lovebirds when the weather is nice? I think so. More space does equal happier animals, right? Oh, I see lots of projects in the upcoming months. Wait, that's thunder and lightening. Hope it quits while I'm building tomorrow.

Oh, and so far all 7 chicks are healthy and happy (though at first sight my son asked if they were dead they were sleeping so hard at the store). I'll post pics when the internet isn't running on quite so many devices.
The one with the white spot on its head looks to be a male Barred Rock if it has a straight comb maybe a male dominique if it has a rose comb
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