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3 Pekin Bantams, we’re keeping them in the garden and I read they’re not as destructive as larger breeds (I hope that’s true or hubby won’t be pleased hahaha ).
I’m sure I’ll be a frequent visitor here with many frantic questions
Hi I’m from Northumberland, getting my chickens a week tomorrow, very excited! I’ll have lots of questions I’m sure!
Welcome. you will love your chickens, we all do :D Any questions please ask, this is a topic we all love. There is some great support on this website and always new stuff to learn. Do you have your coop yet?
How are your chicks doing? They must be quite big now.
Yes they are getting bigger the first two are off heat now and I have put them all out in the garden when the weather is nice into the small coop and run I made as a taster to the outside.
Not sure why now, but joffrey has been getting a bit stressed and pecking at me, he knows and has seen the little ones and im not sure if he is jealous or not. But about two days ago he was so relaxed on my lap cuddling with me, i think maybe he needed some reassurance. Interesting learning about the pschycology of chickens lol. I think out of the 4 little chicks I have one is a hen the others are roosters but it could be a guess lets hope im wrong and they are all gals. One is pretty white which would be nice for breeding with... ultimately I am thinking of selling the hatching eggs... problem now is... which egg is from which hen, as I have silkies too.... see we are learning all the time lol.
Meet the chicks!:jumpy
Well I hope everyone has had a good weekend! I've had a busy one! Today has been very up and down. I started off by finding Bella, one of my bluebell hens dead in the coop. She had been unwell for a few days. I'm beginning to feel cursed with hens at the moment. Thats five hens, one quail and two rabbits so far this year. But on a netter note I have about finished my pigeon loft and have six pigeons now! And I have finally managed to get my rescue hens in with the main run with the others! :weeIt's only took nine months! They still sleep in there own coops but they all mix now. A little bit of squabbling but nothing worrying. How has everyone else been?
Well I hope everyone has had a good weekend! I've had a busy one! Today has been very up and down. I started off by finding Bella, one of my bluebell hens dead in the coop. She had been unwell for a few days. I'm beginning to feel cursed with hens at the moment. Thats five hens, one quail and two rabbits so far this year. But on a netter note I have about finished my pigeon loft and have six pigeons now! And I have finally managed to get my rescue hens in with the main run with the others! :weeIt's only took nine months! They still sleep in there own coops but they all mix now. A little bit of squabbling but nothing worrying. How has everyone else been?
Despite all this ChickencountryUK you are remaining positive and continue to look ahead. I would be devastated going through what you have been through in such a short time... but you have your little chikens now too look after.
On a different note Joffrey has been getting a bit frustrated and even has started to peck at me and attack me. I have been boggling as to why he is annoyed with me, but he is ok when I cuddle him. My thoughts are that either that he sees me with the little chicks and he is jealous or that he might have sussed I have taken some eggs away from the hens. Im not sure what else to think.
Thanks. Gotta keep looking forward and do the best for what I've got. I can't really give much advice about joffrey apart from I think that cockerals go through hormonal changes. Either that or you will just have to cuddle him all day! He seems like a right little character! I hope he's being nice to his other girls though!

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