
Hi Vermonters:
You probably have seenteh weather report, 30 below zero is ocming soon. What is everyone else doing, I plan totake my chicks in the basement for a couple of days. I have never done this before, does anyone have any coments or suggestions? What is everyone else planning?
Well it only go down to about -18 here in Bristol. Oddly enough the girls have decided it is now time to start laying again; found a hidden nest in the hay-pile. Looks like everyone here did fine with the cold. I feel as long as they can get out of the wind, have thawed water and, lots of good food, they are fine. I have not used a heat lamp in years, and I've never lost one to cold. Well that's not true, I did have one top-hat rooster who couldn't find his way back to the coop on a windy wintery day, get bad frostbite on his feet and I had to put him down. But I don't count him as his head feathers made it hard for him to see even when there wasn't a blizzard.
It was -22 this morning at 7:00 (here in my part of Maine). The chickens all survived the night without any heat. And, I even found three eggs today (about 12 hens).
Well all my girls made it through the worst weather could throw at em. With no heat lamp what so ever and they all continued to lay right straight through, what troopers. AND no Frostbite. I will tell you all the truth was a little worried with the 36 below temp and all.

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