:( warning, sad pic) Photos of the survivours added Pg3!


So sad for such a unique loss
No thank goodness so I still have hope! Last year was a different buck, but she will be bred to the same buck as this year, next. So hopefully we will get some doelings. My husband is one of 5 boys...all of their children (and my poor mother in laws grandchildren)...boys(7). Thats alot of boys in one family! Don't know why his family "throws" so many boys!
I had never heard of that coloration. Is it incredibly rare? I've never seen anything like it at the fair/goat shows I've been to. So sorry for your loss, but the survivors sure are cute!
I don't think its that rare, its just a color/pattern. But its a color and pattern I find very attractive Technically speaking I suppose they aren't actually moonspots, since moon spots aren't suppose to be white..since white is the absence of color.

Yes he would be worth more than his "plain" marked siblings, but not an exorbant amount.
Why are the bucks always so pretty? I always got really flashy bucks and plain does. Just once, I want a flashy doe. I would give a kidney for a doe that looks like him, knowing my luck, she wouldn't give milk lol

What a shame - he was gorgeous. The others look happy, healthy and cute, so you did ok.

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