Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I think sleeping dogs should have to tell the truth, just like everyone else.

OK I have 8 2-week old Lavender Orpingtons that are for sale $6 each, straight run...if anyone is interested, awesome birds, super easy hatching !
I have no room for them and the person who wanted them has changed his mind, send me a PM if you want them, other wise they move on to Craigslist

I am missing the sun shine...DH has a cold from you-know-where...its a cruddy cold day !
I have graves auto immune that has had a huge impact the last 4 years
Have you had the surgery to try & correct it ?
Here I am with Hashimoto's !
It is part of a broader condition, I have hashimoto's, raynaud's Livido reticularis, Celiac Disease and seemingly mast cell activation disorder... which barely behaves itself & derma grapia when I take Benadryl 24/7.
The itching is bad, can keep me up all night, and I have no allergies.
And that is why is it a mast cell activation disorder, histamine is produced without any alllergen trigger....
I cannot do hot (over 80 degrees) makes me very sick! or cold (below 40 and I have black feet & hands...any length of time & I get chilled and have such a hard time getting warm again..
I bet you have the hot/cold issue as well ?
OK I have 8 2-week old Lavender Orpingtons that are for sale $6 each, straight run...if anyone is interested, awesome birds, super easy hatching ! 
I have no room for them and the person who wanted them has changed his mind, send me a PM if you want them, other wise they move on to Craigslist

I am missing the sun shine...DH has a cold from you-know-where...its a cruddy cold day !

I'm in Aberdeen I'll take them!
Have you had the surgery to try & correct it ?
Here I am with Hashimoto's !
It is part of a broader condition, I have hashimoto's, raynaud's Livido reticularis, Celiac Disease and seemingly mast cell activation disorder... which barely behaves itself & derma grapia when I take Benadryl 24/7.
The itching is bad, can keep me up all night, and I have no allergies.
And that is why is it a mast cell activation disorder, histamine is produced without any alllergen trigger....
I cannot do hot (over 80 degrees) makes me very sick! or cold (below 40 and I have black feet & hands...any length of time & I get chilled and have such a hard time getting warm again..
I bet you have the hot/cold issue as well ?
I do have major issues with hot cold I went hyperthyroid went graves started when it went after my vision and thyroid so radioactive iodine killed the thyroid and we did 500 mg prednisone iv weekly, radiation to the eye socket weekly for 8 weeks psoriasis hands and feet. The pred stopped the psoriasis. once the vision stabilized we did do decompression surgery to both eyes first the dead right hn the left that one wigged me out so bad being totally blind for 48 hours sure showed me giggle.
Is there a thread for Thurston County? I'm trying to find a home for my black crested white rooster (Yes he is an uncommon color!). Moved here before he started crowing. He started crowing before we could find our own house (currently staying with friends and still there), and just found out we can't have him even though we're in a really small town. He was born in June. So he's free and I can deliver within 30 min drive of Rainier, WA or meet up within that distance. For $15 I'll throw in my little red silkie hen lol. Just really need him gone. Tried the no-crow collar and it didn't help. I don't want to get my friends in trouble and culling is a last resort as I've never done it and don't feel comfortable doing it. I'm posting a picture. Any redirection to a Thurston thread would also be helpful. Thanks! =]

Do you live in Rainier? If yes, I live there, too. If no, then disregard the rest of my questions. :) When did you move here? We arrived November, 2014 and just love the area. Right now, I am in Washington DC at a anti-drug conference for a civic collation called Rainier Community Cares. We come home tomorrow. I live on Tipsoo Loop just north of town. I believe there is another person on this board that also lives in Rainier, but I forget their name. I'm very good at forgetting name. It's right on the tip of my tongue but for the life of me, I just can't remember it. I have 6 hens, of which 4 are laying regularly at this time. I share my extra eggs (because we can't eat them all especially when all 6 are laying) with my daughter who lives on the other side of Tenino. With 4 boys, she goes through a dozen and a half at a time when they have eggs in the morning.

Glad you found us here online and I hope that some day soon I'll be able to meet you in person.
(I'm Bobbie, btw, if you meet me on the outside.)
Depends on the breed and the duration of light available to them.
Some breeds lay 250 eggs a year, some only lay 200, and so on.
They are also effected by parasites, feed, molt, some diseases and happiness.
A hen full of worms may have a very hard time trying to ovulate....

The only change has been the new chickens. I have never dewormed my chickens. Can you actually see the worms in their poop? They are eating and drinking and running around just fine. Today I just started feeding them fermented feed again. It's easier to make a batch for six chickens versus two.
Quote: Sorry, but I can not help my self, I just have to comment on health also. I have a neurological problem, restless leg syndem, Fibromyalgia, Cronic fatigue. lots of allergy`s. Last May I decided I have to make some major changes,. Like alternative health...................I went on the YOU TUBE AND DID SOME SEARCHING. Dr. Eric Berg is a good one also Dr.John Bergman. They are Chiropractors but also are knowledge able on alternative health. It is free knowledge and they have helped me allot.
I wish you well.

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