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Ok, my investigation has been completed. Due to numerous factors we will be rolling back to dndjohnson for the current offer. PMs will be sent to involved parties with explanations. Thanks for your patience. Swapping will resume as soon as dndjohnson posts their updated offer.
they won't be laying until June!
The way this winter is going it could be August!
I thought I was the only one who ground her own flour. I just made the best bread from home ground flax, barley, oats, brewers spent grains and chick peas. I had to add gluten and double the yeast to get it to look like bread, but it tastes awesome! Sorry for the non-sequitor. Marking my spot.
Hey but there may be a possibility of non-egg swapping on the What You Got To Swap thread for specialty items. Example: I have heard that there is a device made in England that looks like a cone shaped spring that is installed in the bottom of a plastic bucket (with a hole in it) to despense feed for chickens without them wasting it. Totally unavailable on this side of the pond (as of 6 months ago when I heard of it and went looking). Possible that there are some things here that are unavailable there.

You mean the Trigger Happy Chickens device? It's available to the US, I have two of them myself. Works like a charm, and it's fun to watch the chickens using it. Just order it through their website:


4+ Pekins Duck eggs


4+ Indian Runner Duck eggs (mixed color flock)


4+ Hen's Choice-Could be Pekin, Call, Runner, Muscovy or Toulousse Goose (all pure) depending on who is laying
Scovies are white, black pied & tri-color chocolate pied. I can't do just Scovies, only 2 hens & laying sporadically so may or may not be included. Runners, Pekins & Calls laying best right now.
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