weird regional words...

My father would say "go pound sand" that was how he swore

I'm sure were he wanted them to pound it wouldn't be a pretty picture.
A party or get-together of any kind up here in MN is a "doings". "Theres a doings at Les' this weekend." implies that there will be fried fish, lots of beer, and a bonfire.

they say "by-dee-by" as well which means "by the way" and I will never say it no matter how long I live here because it sounds stupid.

When I think of more I will add them...the day is young there are lots of Minnesotans to speak to before its over!
when i first heard you mention tank...around here, when you're tanked, you're DRUNK.

a hot dish was a good looking girl/lady, i think this is from the old movies.
goulash, is cooked noodles, with tomato sauce, hamburger and lots of mozzerella cheese on top...yum, yum!

we eat subs here, hot or cold.

and someone's "muffin top" from i guy i knew was,

his roof over the tool shed...



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