Welp, the HOA was notified

Not to be cup half empty, but I paid my dues in suburbia with HOA's and then I handed my realtor my MUST have list of 3 things: #1 NO HOA..... I'm very clear that you either follow the rules you CHOSE to/wanted to live under or you move to where you don't get told how to be. It's still a seller's market out there, if having chickens is a super priority, then move to where you can have them instead of fighting against the machine. "Nice HOA's who make exceptions," are not a thing that I've ever experienced.
I would suggest letting neighbors know about the rules no one considers, or remembers, and then circulate a petition about getting rid of the HOA, or a referendum on the rules so they reflect the values of current owners.

There are several cities (in Canada at least) that banned chickens decades ago, but when COVID happened and lots of people got hens, they couldn't control it, so instead of dealing with the PR nightmare of asking the local animal protection agency to take the hens, they just put rules in place for doing it within boundaries. They set max flocks, coop rules etc.

I am going to 'steal' two of the ideas that have been thrown in and combine them.

Go through the rule book, ride/walk around making a list of all the infractions you see and then suggest that the association be dissolved as ALL these rules are just hanging over people who are otherwise law abiding. They won't like the idea, in exchange for dropping the idea ask for the option to keep 'just these' until the end of their natural life. The medical issue and that these are old and therefore hard to rehome should be focused on.

I asked for that from my municipal inspector. I pointed out they were already old and made a vague statement about, 'and you know they just don't live that long anyway'. The person I was speaking with (obviously) had no idea of the potential lifespan of a hen but he didn't want to point out his lack of knowledge, so he nodded as though he knew.

We plan to sell the house in the next 5 yrs and I don't want to replace the girls when they die, just keep them happy as long as God leaves them in my garden.
I agree with this comment. And get a lawyer to help. Make hell for them.

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