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In 1977/8 I was a deckhand on a commercial fishing boat, trawling after salmon. Lots of salmon. We used to steam back after 5 days, with 30 tons iced below, all handled by me, personally, but I digress -- again. This band was a favorite of mine at the time, as was Amareto disaronno and Mark's & Spencer's meat pies.
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Glad you are back! Even if only temporarily.
This is a very much unexpected trip home to clear up a property matter, very much a one off. I won't be back this way for at least a year, if things continue as they are.

I am already embroiled in the same property dispute that brought me to Brazil in the first place back in 1979 and it's unlikely to end in my lifetime. The laws in the Mato Grosso are very subjective, and I am now one of the major landowners there and have been thrust into an ancient and complex situation I know little about. Tricky, but I am in good hands with Marina's sister. Those women are hard. Much tougher than any man I have ever met.

I have already been approached by a small, swarthy man carrying a big bag of cash, offering ro make my life great, or terrible. I chose terrible I guess... I intend to change things at the station, as my much better half would have. I have no other choice and they seem to know it.
This is a very much unexpected trip home to clear up a property matter, very much a one off. I won't be back this way for at least a year, if things continue as they are.

I am already embroiled in the same property dispute that brought me to Brazil in the first place back in 1979 and it's unlikely to end in my lifetime. The laws in the Mato Grosso are very subjective, and I am now one of the major landowners there and have been thrust into an ancient and complex situation I know little about. Tricky, but I am in good hands with Marina's sister. Those women are hard. Much tougher than any man I have ever met.

I have already been approached by a small, swarthy man carrying a big bag of cash, offering ro make my life great, or terrible. I chose terrible I guess... I intend to change things at the station, as my much better half would have. I have no other choice and they seem to know it.

Oh wow that all sounds very complicated and like a major headache. I am very sorry. :hugs

I hope it all gets worked out. :fl

And I hope you can come back sooner than a year. :fl

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