What chicken breed do you like the best?

I highly recommend Ameraucanas or Bantam Cochins.

Ameraucanas are friendly, adorable, and lay nice blue eggs. I'm particularly fond of blue wheaten Ameraucanas, but color is up to you. You just have to be careful, you are unlikely to find them at any feedstore though. Not saying it's impossible, but most of the time you'll see feedstores selling "Ameraucanas" or as they're sometimes called "Americanas" and they are Easter Eggers, not the recognized breed. So watch out for that.

Bantam cochins are hands down the friendliest breed you will ever own. They are fluffy little pom poms, small, easy to handle, amazing temperament, however, they are extremely broody. So you have to deal with breaking broodies every other week. But it's worth it. They're just so amazing.
What is the best chickens breed. I am looking to get 2 more. But don't know what ones to get.
We’ve had lots of different kinds but our all time faves have been bantam rhode island reds. They lay lovely eggs for not much feed or mess and the hens get broody and make great moms. To top it all off they’re adorable and sweet!

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