What do you do for a living?

Azure Acres

6 Years
Jan 10, 2014
NW Missouri
I thought it would be fun to see what everyone does for a living... Who is a full time farmer? Stay at home mom? Banker? Etc... I love seeing so many walks of life with a common interest.

My husband is a maintenance tech at a company in Kansas City, and we will about an hour north of there in the country. I am a full time Arbonne Consultant, so I work from home most days. Together, we just started a business my husband has been dreaming off since we were first married. We are growing and selling non-GMO, Organic produce. In our area it is very hard to find Organic food options, but there is a growing market for it. Our new business, Azure Acres, is what made us decide to keep chickens and sell non-GMO, Pastured eggs.

How about you?
I am a Public Safety Officer at a hospital. Yes, fancy name for Security. It took me a long time to not get yelled at by my co-workers for saying it instead of PSO. The difference is the fact that our company is the only one in the country that has been invited to train with some of the alphabet groups; mainly due to the fact that our boss had connections. ;) That might be why we have a starting off pay as the same as the local Police Department.

My co-workers love getting my colorful eggs since I have easter eggers. Most have never heard of blue or pink eggs.

My husband is on disability since he has uncontrolled seizures and right now he refuses to eat my hen's eggs since they aren't white so I'm getting some leghorns just for him.
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This will be fun :)

I am a part-time church secretary and have a longarm quilting business out of my home.

DH is a maintenance tech at a local factory (just like yours Azure Acres!)
I have a degree in Land Reclamation - I was trained to fill in really, really big holes and make the land productive again. However, fate has intervened and I have been a Engineering/CAD tech for the last 20 years. :)
I'm a registered nurse working in dialysis. My DH is semi-retired..has a part time job transporting. Chickerdoodle13, I wish I had pursued a vet career or working with animals. I have worked in a hospital and dialysis clinic and people can be really hard to work with. Animals would be much easier and much more gratifying. I love me animals!
Iam a mechanic for John Deere. My wife works for the Nc. Forest service. We raise turkeys and chickens. Have a couple horses and pigs. Our kids are about grown, so when they move off to college and abandon us we are gonna fill the void with lots of chickens. lol
This will be fun :)

I am a part-time church secretary and have a longarm quilting business out of my home.

DH is a maintenance tech at a local factory (just like yours Azure Acres!)
I love to quilt and would love to have a longarm machine! Is yours computerized or do you freehand?
My mom was a secretary for our church when I was young, she would take all of us kids with her and we would hang out in the basement in the rummage sale storage room playing with all of the donated stuff! As a bonus, the basement was always cool on those hot summer days.
I'm an RN, nursing is all I've ever done. I've always been the full time worker in our home until last summer. I'm currently home on disability from my leukemia, Dr says it will take up to a year *after finishing the chemo* to regain enough stamina to work full time again, and that's if everything goes well. I'm trying to adjust to this staying home business, especially since I can't do all the things I'd imagined I'd do if I could be home full time! I have so many plans and ideas I want to do, but the poor poisoned body just won't cooperate yet. I have to remember I'm on disability for a reason, but it's hard.

My honey is an EMT and a CNA2, he's currently working as a patient transporter at the hospital. They've been great about giving him time off to take care of me. He's looking to move the the ER as a tech--I think he'll love it. He's looking to go to school for his RN, probably next year.

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