What do you hate about where you live

Sure can- it's how the government controls the price of certain things. If they want to hold the price steady or make it go up on a certain product, they pay farmers not to plant. Also, they pay farmers to "rest" a piece of ground by not planting. This helps satisfy the environmentalist interests.
I hate the cloudiness. In late fall and winter, we can go for weeks withouth seeing the sun.

I hate that it's flat as a pancake. I envy people with rolling hills.

I hate that everybody is the same. And they're all conservative (I just don't fit in.)
WOW! I feel the same way. Here, MOST everyone is ULTRA conservative. I always feel out of whack.
Paganfish ~ I enjoy reading your posts, I find them insightful, and entertaining. I think it would be a honor to meet you. I'm sorry you sometimes feel out of whack and I hope my comments earlier in the post didn't offend you at all. (I don't think they did but I just want to make sure). I have to say I have met a few of the families that live in this town and do admire how connected they are to each other. I just don't like the handful that think it's OK to spray paint the town church or try to stare me down and make me worry as I walk or drive past them on the street. It's hit and miss, but I don't think it's only Hispanics that do these things, it every culture and I blame the parents for not raising their children better.
You are a gem and I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and ideas. This forum is a very good place and it helps to re enforce the fact that there are still wonderful people in this world. Apparently most of them own chickens...
Well, thank you!

No, you did not offend me in the least. As I said, I agreed with you wholeheartedly...I meant it.

It's sad that you have to deal with bullies like that but don't feel bad, I do too. Even the Hispanics around town try to stare me down...Oh well! I guess they have to prove some point!

Thanks again and yes I enjoy this forum and the people on it. I may not always agree with everyone on everything but we ALL LOVE our feathered/furry critters! It's PERFECT!


PS When I said everyone here is ULTRA conservative...I meant, here where I live. Not BYC (Though I do live here on BYC most OF the time...just ask anyone that knows me!) but in North Eastern Colorado...
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I'm like Pedro, I live on BYC most of the time during the day. And I certainly don't hate anything about living here!

Where I actually live, the worst thing is that you can't make a left turn in July and August, and everybody is on vacation except the people who live here, and we can get pretty CRABBYabout it.
Sometimes.......I hate having to drive an hour and a half to the nearest Shopping Mall and...half hour to the closest big grocery store....
...just sometimes
OMG! I totally made a big blunder of myself thanks to you. I was not sure what that meant "cut cheese" and so I asked the people upstairs...


"Hey you guys, is *shooting the breeze* the same as *cutting the cheese*?"

My house mate spat milk he was drinking and some even came out his nose...he was laughing so hard!

Now I know...

I should have asked HERE!


PS Remind me on the next thread of "most embarrassing moments..."

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