What has black feet, feathered legs, but only 4 toes?


8 Years
Mar 16, 2014
So I picked this little one up today while doing checkups, and what I thought was a silky maybe isn't?
Current guesses include: Bantam Cochin, Bantam Langshan, and Maran (in the wrong bin). Anyone care to confirm or add a different guess?

Dark beak, skin, feet

Lightly feathered legs, but only four toes?

Even the bottoms of her feet are dark!

Normal looking wing feathers.

Size comparison vs one of my RIR chicks, Peppercorn.
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Can I join the conversation? I love the "grown up" versions of your little black chicks. We just hatched a batch of chicks Friday and 4 of them have feathered legs, 4 toes, black/gray top sides of their feet. I'll have to check the undersides of the feet. All black and heads are really much smaller even after 2 days than the rest of our chicks we thought were combos of BR and RIR. We have other black chicks, but these 4 are a mystery with all of the qualities I just mentioned. I'll try to get a few pictures of them alone and post later. They are also sort of light on the belly and under butt and their backs sort of glimmer, not silver, but not exactly dark black either. My husband and I haven't had chickens since we were kids and none ever like these so its a puzzle to us.
Bantam Cochin. Are the bottoms of her feet yellow?

not quite? Lighter, greyish with a hint of yellow maybe, but not what I'd think of as yellow.

Black marans or black langshan are my guesses.

Marans would be neat! I didn't know they had a bantam size!
Prrsonality-wise, she's quiet. Kinda seems to be in the middle of the pecking order, from what I've observed. (Above the wynadottes and silkies, but below the RIRs and the OEGB)
Kind of baffling since the entire bird is black with 4 toes and light feathering. Could someone have put a standard in the bantam bin?
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