What treat did your chickies get today?

I fed them some cheese and bread. They ate the cheese in a few seconds (And it was a whole slice of cheese so it was pretty impressive!) but they took their time on the bread. They really like cheese and meat more than anything!
I took the powder from the chick food and mixed it with some baby formula, powdery dog food remnants, old craisens, mealy wormy cereal, and whatever else I had in the fridge til it was barely wet. They gobbled it right up.
I gave them a little each of corn, rice, peaches, mustard leaves, red and green spinach. I only give them chicken feed 2 times a week. I will try to raise my own dubia roaches for them.
I picked my girls some blackberries from a bush they love. They jump up as high as they can and I pick the rest! lol! Funny thing is, my rooster will not eat them. He takes it from my hand and gives it to the hens. Real sweet heart, huh? ;o) I also gave them some banana but they didn't eat it. They pecked at it and then wiped their beaks on the grass! lol!
Gave mine leftover salmon skin from last nights dinner... loved watching them chase each other for bits of skin!

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