What treat did your chickies get today?

so far...their cooked rice is a staple for breakfast- not really a treat anymore but they do love it! Then icecubes in their water....frozen peas....chilled cucumber halves and diced fresh squash!
my 2.5 week olds had their first dried meal worm experience, it was hilarious!

They are rather spoiled and Loooove it when I make a mash of their starter food, so here I come with their 'bowl', they are going bonkers thinking it's mash, I had smashed up some dried mealworms , set the bowl down, and they all froze LOL

All looking from a little distance as if to say "what the heck is that???" no one ventured near so I stuck my finger in the bowl swirled the worms around, and the little BUff came in for the attack,,that got a chickie frenzy going and those meal worms lasted about 15 seconds LOL
It's been warm here so the girls had some watermelon and frozen blueberries. It was their first blueberry adventure and at first they just tossed them aside to get to the watermelon but then one decided that I wasn't feeding them poison and they just went crazy for the blueberries.
My preteen pullets are a bit stupid about food. No matter how tasty something is, it ceases to be food when it hits the ground. I think I'm going to try using a hanging suet feeder.
A big ol' dandelion I pulled out of my garden. They have trouble with "loose" greens; can't seem to figure out that stepping on them holds them down, enabling them to tear off chunks. So I stuffed it in the suet feeder; now there are just some limp shreds hanging from the feeder. :)
21 tomato hornworms!!!

My chickens are in a moat around our garden, which makes it easy for us to pick off the nasty hornworms and throw them over the fence. At first the chickens weren't sure what to do with the hornworms, but now they compete for them.

I'm also giving them lots of cold water and frozen cups of yogurt because it is 100+ outside today.

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