What treat did your chickies get today?

Kimchi, mackarel and cooked wild rice...... kimchi isn't the chicken's favorite, but the ducks LOVE it!
You gotta keep an eye on the ducks around fish. I was fishing my favorite pond and this pair kept circling us, the kids thought they were all so cute until the female snatch and grabbed our mackerel and took off across the water, quackeling at us....
Withhold the treats for a day or two. Then try to hand feed the new treat. If they don't play Rugby over the noodles I suspect your chickens are broken... :gig

hosspak, I might just have to have a look at their warranty, maybe there is a cashback clause for broken chickens
When do you feed the treats? I give some first thing in the am before they get their feed. Especially if its a new treat. Some of the things like apples/squash/greens I cut into strips or shredded at first. (I cant free range) After they decide its good to eat then I just give it to them whole or in chunks they tear it up. I put the pellets out while their eating. I usually give them something in the evening too. Now if I'm running late and skip a fresh treat in the am I get the evil Chicky eyes and get squawked at. 

That is so sweet!!!

Mine partialy free range when I'm there to keep an eye. We have lots of hawks and eagles around here.

I give them their treats in the afternoon when I let them out. Maybe I should try the mornings before I let them out? Thanks for all the advice
My girls and 1 accidental roo got a papaya that a co-worker gave me. They loved it! Not a scrap of it left.

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