What treat did your chickies get today?

The smallest bantam was running around with an apple in her beak like, na na na na na naaa. The full size one sat on her. Ended that game.
Juicer pulp from an organic cucumber & broccoli stalks... but I didn't really care for this batch of juice so after the ice melted I decided to put the juice in bowls for the birds... they had no idea what to do with it LOL. I threw a few crumbles into the bowls and of course, as soon as one bird tried it, and LOVED it, all the other birds were scrambling to get their share. The mama bird & her chicks drank a whole cup of slightly watered down green juice all by themselves. Running the veggies through the juicer makes it so easy for the birds to digest the fiber and the juice has to be good for them too!
Watch the color of the poops tomorrow and remember why so you don't freak out with the little chicks!!!
Even if it flushes em out a little, cool (not cold) veggie juice & water just has to be good for 'em, anything that gets them to drink a little extra before bedtime (especially mom) in our very hot & extra dry summer climate! Some of it was mixed with crumble to get them to taste it initially (went nuts for that slop!). Mom already had some juicy poo this morn LOL, but they also had a handful of the veggie fiber so that helps bind, and of course organic chick crumble 24/7. I've got a sandy/gravely floor in my coop/run (crusher dust) so most poops are easy to spot & clean, works just like clumping cat litter, I even use a cat litter scoop to sift the pile when I rake. I'm currently considering making juice & pulp part of a chick and broody summer nutrition program!?! Depends on how I'm keeping up with the sprouted grain... and how many veggies are overgrowing the garden & compost... Guess I'll watch poops for the rest of the day before commtting to juicing for the girls LOL
Nothing exciting- the hens got bread crust (cause the 6 year old human refuses to eat it), an organic chicken nugget, a ton of canteloupe seeds and scrambled egg yolks. The chicks got some scramble egg yolks, cantaloupe seeds and some watermelon
My chickens got a rare free day outside of the run. They scared off the chipmunks and cleaned up all the spilled seed under the bird feeder, wiped out a anthill, found a wet spot and fought over the angleworms and ate lots leaves off weeds in the yard.

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