What treat did your chickies get today?

I have Lime basil growing in patches here & there. The chickens love it.

...I told my husband that if these were eating birds (rather than pets with the benefit of eggs), then they'd be pre-seasoned.
I have two chickens who get a large bowl of vege scraps every day. I came into ownership of them when I purchased my house. I have noticed their eggs are heavier the more I feed them & they always act excited when they see me coming. Is it possible I am overfeeding them?? They also have a feeder with pellets but they dont seem to eat much of that??
Yesterday I was running out of time so they just got quick handful of wheat...
Everyone's molting and it's chilly here this morning so they're all bunched up and looking miserable. Made them some oatmeal with 2 eggs added and a couple of spoons of peanut butter mixed it. That puts a smile on their beaks, for sure!

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