What treat did your chickies get today?

boss, scratch (2/1), shredded cabbage, lettuce, hard boiled eggs cut up. If the eggs are cooked they do not recognize them as "eggs" it should not encourage egg eating.
Cracked corn, lettuce, cucumber peels, celery, and sweet potatoes.





They enjoyed making a mess with the sweet potatoes. :lau
This morning my chickens got bread crusts that were cut off of sandwiches and raisins but there will be more treats to come because today is their birthday! My 4 babies are one year old.

They grow up so fast!
This morning our chickies got the "Oopsies Pie" my mom made.. Made a "Blueberry" Pie.. When dad went into eat the pie, *Crunch crunch Crunch* Turns out they were not blueberries but rather the wild grapes that mom was saving to make jelly with.. oops.. This is why its always important to label things in the freezer.. Oh well, the chickens enjoyed it..
Well mine have about 7 acres that they patrol out of 25 available acres.

I'm sure I don't want to know all the "treats" they find. Like when I found a mouse nest in the wood pile and they fought over the pinkies inside. The other day they found an ant line and ate alongside it like Lucy and Ethel stuffing chocolates into their mouths from the conveyor belt.
Well mine have about 7 acres that they patrol out of 25 available acres.

I'm sure I don't want to know all the "treats" they find. Like when I found a mouse nest in the wood pile and they fought over the pinkies inside. The other day they found an ant line and ate alongside it like Lucy and Ethel stuffing chocolates into their mouths from the conveyor belt.

Mine had cabbage, lettuce, spinach, cottage cheese and banana. then they got to free range for a bit

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