What treat did your chickies get today?

One i make on the back of the libby can of pumpkin. Just leave out the sugar. And i had an extra cracked egg and tossed it in. Left out salt too. My freezer crust was freezer burned, and i have some pecked eggs and figured,eh, why not?! Lol.
Okay, thank you!
I've been taking all my planter pots of veggies that are dying back for the winter and placing them in the Chicken Run. The girls are loving it. As they eat the plants I then dump the dirt out into there run and let them at the root balls.
A pumpkin. Gave 1 half to the chickens, the other half to the peacocks. The peacocks snubbed it, so the chickens win again.
Here's a question for y'all -

I won a contest and got a lot of protein powder. That's the stuff body builders use to build muscle. I don't like it much. Gives me the farts something awful.

Can I mix it with some liquid, or maybe cook it into rice, and give it to my chickens?

Here are the main ingredients:

Whey protein concentrate, maltodextrin, cocoa powder, sunflower oil, corn fiber, fructose and a bunch of chemicals.

Actually, as I read it, it doesn't sound very healthy for humans. Mostly sugar, oil and some whey.

But I've got it. I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. And if I'd bought it, it would have cost a lot of money!

Any ideas?
Here's a question for y'all -

I won a contest and got a lot of protein powder. That's the stuff body builders use to build muscle. I don't like it much. Gives me the farts something awful.

Can I mix it with some liquid, or maybe cook it into rice, and give it to my chickens?

Here are the main ingredients:

Whey protein concentrate, maltodextrin, cocoa powder, sunflower oil, corn fiber, fructose and a bunch of chemicals.

Actually, as I read it, it doesn't sound very healthy for humans. Mostly sugar, oil and some whey.

But I've got it. I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. And if I'd bought it, it would have cost a lot of money!

Any ideas?

Donate it to a fundraiser silent auction.

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