What treat did your chickies get today?

I'm constantly hearing about toxic things for chickens. I recently seen a chart on here that had a whole laundry list of toxic foods for chickens. In the bad list I found my chickens have eaten over half of those items at some point or another and many on a regular basis.

My conclusion on treats or otherwise is this. If I can eat it they can eat it. Like anything else you have to be more concerned about over feeding certain things more so than what the item is.

Did you know humans can die from drinking to much water? The point is anything can kill you if overdone.

Feeding your chickens to many treats to often will cause more poo issues than anything and can cause them to not eat enough of the staple feeds they need daily.

I have yet to read a post or article where the author said said I fed my chickens potatoe skins or alvacados and they dropped dead. I have however read hundreds of things that say this will happen. Chalk it up to urban myths. For me a simple rule is if they like it they can have it in moderation.

I have some chickens who love my older halos, cuties or oranges that sat in the basket a little to long while others won't touch them. I have some that love melons while others don't. I feed all my produce scraps to my chickens including raw onions which is also supposed to kill them alledgedly. Go figure! I guess their like me. I can't stand green beans but love squash. Susie loves green beans and hates squash.

My chickens most favorite produce is spagetti squash , watermelon and blue berries ( another so called deadly treat)
I sometimes feed mine used motor oil. They don't seem to mind, and I don't have to recycle.
Ick greasy chicken milk is the worst!! It also gives me a stomach ache so I stick to straight non gmo, organic, all natural super duper good for you duck milk.

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