What treat did your chickies get today?

A well rounded treat today, fruits, vegetables, starches and junk food...

A well rounded treat today, fruits, vegetables, starches and junk food...


Goodness! Does your local grocer just throws everything away? For your chicken to benefit? Ha ha ha

It's not just this grocer, we live in a country where less than perfect food is not desired by the consumer, nor is it profitable to sell for less... The lettuce had 'brown' outside leaves, the bread and shrimp snacks were past the sell by date, and the the strawberries had the random slimy or moldy one in the package... It's my understanding that the profit margin to pay someone to 'clean and repackage' the items is not profitable, and sadly it's not profitable to sell it at a lower cost most of the time as that means people will buy that and the next in line good food will then turn not be sold, meaning they have to mark that next in line food down and a cycle begins where they are only selling discounted foods at no profit... It's simply more profitable to toss the stuff and write it off as a business loss... Plus for items like the bread the bakery generally takes that lose, as they manage their products on the shelves...

The grocer I get food from sometimes does repackage and sell some items, but the volume of stuff they toss is so great it's not practical to do it for all,as the discount they need to apply to entice people to buy it really means no profit in the end....
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It's not just this grocer, we live in a country where less than perfect food is not desired by the consumer, nor is it profitable to sell for less... The lettuce had 'brown' outside leaves, the bread and shrimp snacks were past the sell by date, and the the strawberries had the random slimy or moldy one in the package... It's my understanding that the profit margin to pay someone to 'clean and repackage' the items is not profitable, and sadly it's not profitable to sell it at a lower cost most of the time as that means people will buy that and the next in line good food will then turn not be sold, meaning they have to mark that next in line food down and a cycle begins where they are only selling discounted foods at no profit... It's simply more profitable to toss the stuff and write it off as a business loss... Plus for items like the bread the bakery generally takes that lose, as they manage their products on the shelves...

The grocer I get food from sometimes does repackage and sell some items, but the volume of stuff they toss is so great it's not practical to do it for all,as the discount they need to apply to entice people to buy it really means no profit in the end....

Maybe ours does throw some away and I just don't notice but here they usually sell the stuff. They have an area (just a cart next to the seafood/vegetables) of discounted produce, usually a little brown banana, bruised peppers, stuff like that, then anothet cart in a different area full of like clearance stuff i think. Older bread or dessert or whatever. They also sell "yesterday's" bakery items for less. So like yesterday's bread, yesterday bagels, donuts, cupcakes, etc. Etc. Nothing wrong with it other than it was made yesterday lol
Maybe ours does throw some away and I just don't notice

I'll bet if they don't have locked dumpsters and you dove the dumpster for a week and inventoried you would be amazed at how much is tossed... Of course it will vary by store, a small store with a limited produce selection will obviously toss less then a store with a huge produce selection...

It's estimated that something like 60% of all food produced/grown in the US ends up in landfills, it's mind boggling to consider just how much volume of waste that is...
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