What treat did your chickies get today?

My girls got all their favorites today-watermelon, a few wineberries and romaine lettuce. Unfortunately one of my silkies thought my nail polish on my toes was watermelon. It was not a fun time for me and my feet. LOL
That's SOOO true! If I give one of my girls a treat they all chase her down instead of coming to my hand that's full of treats or the bowl on the ground! One will peck off a kernel of corn and they all try to get that one kernel, instead of going to the cob where there's a ton more!
Pretty hot here today! Mine got some canned corn that was frozen in water.  They loved pecking away at the ice and getting their corn reward.  They also got some ice cold cooked broccoli.  Always seems that the only really good piece is in someone else's beak- even though the bowl is full of more!
OK I broke down today and did the banana thing even though I hate peeling, with a side of mixed greens for good measure...


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