What treat did your chickies get today?

scrambled eggs, cooked oatmeal grits and pancakes mixed in ...breakfast ...i had an english muffin. LOL
wheat seed later ...wel ltis really cold today and high winds.
'Oh yea and a little fodder first thing
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My rooster absolutely loves strawberry papaya . He will eat a whole one a day, I just slice it in half and he dives in . He also adores tomatoes and bluebell cheese .
What is Boss?
Black Oiled Sunflower Seed.
Today they got beet greens and salad trimmings and french fries....yesterday they got leftover ihop omelette and scratch grain....the day before was meal worms and apple cores(without seeds)
They just got leftover salad and carrot peelings. I'm glad because my cockerel usually runs away from me but with the carrot, he let me pick him up and hand feed him :) He's the Black Australorp.

Oh look! A ghost chicken! ;)


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