What treat did your chickies get today?

my girls got some bread that i cubed up for them. I bought a spaghetti squash today at the grocery store and paid 4 bucks for it
good grief.....what was I thinking. However you can only find a thin rind left tonight so I guess they appreciated it. good thing....LOL that was an expensive treat!
Left over sweet potatoes, chopped up ham, a scoop of black oil sunflower seeds, two big chunks of watermelon [wow! Speaking of expensive!
] and one small chipping sparrow that had the bad luck to land in the middle of the flock while these treats were being dispensed! Despite the fact that my girls are very well fed every day, they still act like a school of Pirhana whenever one of those little birds gives them such a convenient target!
Oh well, it's protein. Waste not, want not, as I always say!
And there's plenty of those little blighters around all of the time!
Ours got some left-over cherry pie. They go crazy for any baked goods, esp. Pillsbury Baby Grands (Biscuits). They must have taste buds that can distinguish different foods. We had some Anconas that loved bacon. Sometimes , when we ate breakfast outside during the summer, they would come right up to our plates and grab the bacon slices right off our plates!
my girls got some bread that i cubed up for them. I bought a spaghetti squash today at the grocery store and paid 4 bucks for it
good grief.....what was I thinking. However you can only find a thin rind left tonight so I guess they appreciated it. good thing....LOL that was an expensive treat!

I've been giving my chickens spaghetti squash a lot lately, but only because it grew out of control in the garden this year and I have shelves full of it! I probably wouldn't buy it for them, or at least not very often.
Mine even eat the shell!

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