What treat did your chickies get today?

Well MsChickenMomma, in the upper lower around Manistee Michigan it was much different. We got hammered! Our chickens had the use of the run but chose to stay mostly in the coop all day. I learned not to leave the light on at night as they did not roost at night and chose to play in the hay bedding instead. In other words the light kept them up all night! Today they will get some cut up cabbage greens and left over green beans for a treat. Its my last cabbage head, so I hope they enjoy it.
I gave my 2 and a half old chicks a tablespoon of cooked rice with a tsp. of sour cream.......who's the mama.....

now they are running like wild things with a piece of rice in their beaks ....lol what a party....!

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